Are Unicorns Bad?

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Hello guys! Sorry it has been such a long time and I have no excuse. I guess I fell out of the fandom for a bit but I will try and finish this story even though idk how that will work out, but anyways I hope this chapter is up to your guys' standards. I hope you enjoy!

It was morning and Dipper was headed down to see Ford because she heard a lot of banging coming from down there last night she didn't know why but she knew it couldn't be good due to how frantic the banging was. As soon as Dipper made it down the elevator Ford grabbed her wrist and dragged her back in it saying that he was about to call an extremely important meeting. She tried pelting him with questions but he stayed silent like he didn't have some rather bad news to share but Dipper knew he wasn't going to crack so she settled on her best angry death stare, and that apparently started to work because he started to shuffle a bit and sweat. All of a sudden the elevator dinged and he continued to drag her until he reached the kitchen where he shouted for the rest of the family to come. Both showed up but Gruncle Stan left soon after due to Ford being the one who called the family meeting but Mabel stayed sitting on a chair. Mabel started to ask questions about why she was there and is it important but Ford quickly shushed her.
" Do you two know who Bill Cipher is" Ford asked cautiously
Just hearing that name was like being was tossed into an ice lake, but luckily Mabel was distracting Ford by telling him a sugar coated version of what happened. Dipper spent Mabel's whole explanation calming herself down so she could function properly. She never wanted to hear that name again. He was a lying piece of crap that deserved to be stuck in the void for all eternity. Ford brought her out of her musings by telling them they need to be ready for when a stronger Bill comes along but to protect them they needed to get the one ingredient they needed, that they already didn't have, in which to preform the spell. They needed a unicorn hair. Ford was apprehensive, He obviously didn't want to tussle with a unicorn unless they had too. Mabel picking up his nervousness agreed to go get the unicorn hair saying she would call Wendy,Grenda, and Candy and it would be a girls day out. Mabel glanced apologetically at Dipper wishing that she could come, but alas she couldn't due to the fact that she and Dipper would be separated if she came. Dipper gave her a sad look before studying the disheveled flooring. Ford noticed this and was wondering why Dipper looked so.......Depressed, but Dipper's sadness was then carefully locked behind a wall where no one would find it unless they dug around in her head.

Ford's P.O.V
     I don't know what to, Dipper of all people seemed quite depressed. If he really isn't feeling well that could be a problem, but the matter with Bill is even more pressing. I will need to talk to him about it later.
" Ok Mabel you can go just be careful" I was still reluctant to let her go due to the nature of the unicorns but at least I am giving her my book to use as a guide. I watched her as she turned around before exiting the shack and gave Dipper a look that I couldn't decipher but Dipper looked about to cry before locking it all behind a wall again. Why does he lock everything behind a wall? What has life dealt him that made him It's like the only person he trusts is Mabel, but why is it so hard for him to open up to anyone but her? I was brought out of my musings when Dipper asked, seemingly ok, about what I was working on in the basement that morning.
-Back to third person-
Dipper followed Ford to the secret second floor of the underground lab after Ford had promised her that he would show her his backup plan incase Mabel couldn't manage to get the unicorn hair. Ford tells Dipper that incase Mabel and the others couldn't the hair they would have to block off their thoughts from Bill. Dipper was confused on how exactly how Ford was going to pull it off until he led her to a machine with a weird headpiece attached to a monitor.
"Can you put the helmet on please" Ford said monotonously
Dipper nodded in response and with great reluctance put the headpiece on over her hat.
During that timeMabel, Candy, Grenda, and Wendy were all heading to the place to where they could get to the unicorn. Candy and Grenda were practically trembling with excitement, and while Wendy and Mabel were still excited, Mabel didn't want to go without Dipper and Wendy didn't believe in unicorns. When they enter a seemingly magical part of the forest Mabel quickly stops to check the journal to see if there was any specific directions and there was. To summon a unicorn you had to chant an very deep ancient Druid chant, and luckily Grenda was able to do it. Suddenly a giant gate rises out of the ground leading into a glade. Candy and Grenda rushed ahead leaving Wendy and Mabel to reluctantly follow. Inside the glade a unicorn was resting herself on a rock, and introduced herself as Celsetabellebethabelle. Celestabellebethabelle question why normal mortals were in her domain and for what purpose they have tracked down the "last" unicorn. Mabel stepped forward ,and surprisingly calm, she explained that they needed a hair from her to protect her and her family. Celestabellebethabelle explained that only the pure may take a hair from her, so she "scanned" Mabel and exclaimed that she was not pure and therefore not eligible for a unicorn hair. Mabel spends a few minutes thinking and the answer hit her like a brick to the face.
Ford was explaining to Dipper that Bill was a dream demon from the nightmare dimension and how he could only do any damage in the dreamscape when she finally asked what the machine she was hooked up to would do. Ford explained that the machine was designed to scramble a persons thoughts to outside entities while simultaneously showing a persons thoughts on the screen behind her. Dipper whipped off the headpiece so fast it clattered across the room. Ford was dumbfounded, he didn't know what kind of thoughts Dipper had but they couldn't have been any good. Ford really hoped that Dipper didn't have anything to hide and was just a really private person.
"My thoughts are mine and mine alone. Please respect that" she said as she left an extremely confused Ford behind in favour of hiding in her and Mabel's shared room.
Mable came to the conclusion that the reason she wasn't pure was because she never stood up for Dipper when their parents berated her. They would call her a disgrace and a mistake but Mabel was too scared to do anything in fear of her or her precious sister being thrown out, and being forced to live on the streets to fend for themselves. The rational part of her brain knew that Dipper's situation wasn't her fault , but she couldn't help but think that she was part of the reason it got taken to far. She couldn't help but think of all the times before she was made to pretend that she was compared to Mabel. The "better" child. Mabel always has and always will love her sister but she realizes with crushing regret that she has never even tried to convince her parents to change their minds or even run away with Dipper. Mabel falls to her knees frozen Grenda, Candy, and Wendy not knowing what to do. They were frozen looking at a broken Mabel wondering what king of nerve that stupid unicorn touched, so Wendy being the great friend she was gave Celestabellebethabelle the punch that she deserved and ripped out some of her hair. She yelled at Grenda to pick up Mabel and they started to run away from that place. They got the hair but at what cost? Why did Mabel freeze? Were only two of the many questions running through their brains as they ran. Once they made it back to the shack they went to try and find Ford. Mabel at this point was crying. They found Ford and gave him the unicorn hair but also had asked where Dipper was because maybe he could calm her down. They didn't know why but she started crying even harder. Ford directed them to the attic and knocked on the door. Dipper answered and immediately her gaze locked on to Mabel. She instructed them to leave Mabel to her and that they needed rest. They readily agreed to Dippers request and let them comfort each other.

Hope you enjoyed the rather dark chapter. I don't know when I will update next, but hopefully I won't procrastinate for another couple months. Thank you for your time!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2017 ⏰

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