Chapter 18

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Dave's POV

We've been hiking through narrow caves and tunnels as well as passing by gigantic seas of... who knows what. I tried asking Dirk about it but he says it's better if I didn't know. Dirk leads Jake and I to this weird looking cavern. We stop before entering and Dirk unsheathes his katana.

"Kill anything that moves, besides ourselves. The creatures that live in the cavern are known to trick people and turn them into practical monsters. They're called tricksters. Don't let them touch you or you will endanger all of us. One last thing, you turn, you get left behind. If any of us makes it to Jade, we get her and Luna safe and then come back for the others. Understood?"

Jake and I nod.

"Then let's go." Dirk says strolling into the cave.

Jake follows close behind Dirk and I follow Jake. The cave is dark but naturally creatures from Hell can see much better in the dark than humans. Jake keeps tripping and at one point Dirk stops him from falling down a hole.

We keep going through the cave and I start to doubt Dirk. There's no trace of anything in here. Nothing besides our footsteps and breathing. But then I hear other footsteps. We move a bit faster as Dirk picks up his pace. The footsteps get closer and giggles start echoing among the cavern walls. Then Dirk stops and Jake bumps into him as I come to a halt.

"What's wrong?" I ask, walking up next to him.

"Is everything alright?" Jake then asks.

"If I'm right the left path is the way to go. However if you haven't noticed we're being followed. The right path should get you there too but it's a bit more... precarious, you'd need your eyesight. So Jake take the left path and stick to the wall. It should be lit up with torches further down the way, you should be fine. Dave take the right path, make sure you don't fall."

"What about you?" Jake inquires.

I see Dirk smirk. "I'm going to test something I've wanted to try for a while. Now go, you should be able to escape them if you both hurry. And don't worry, I'll meet you there. Just go straight from here on out."

Dirk turns around and starts walking the other way. As I walk away I can hear him banging his sword against one of the cavern walls and shout "Come and get me you bastards!".

What is my insane brother doing now? I look back but then realize it'd be useless to go back now. He's going to get himself killed. He said it himself it was dangerous and yet he goes off and does it. I mentally sigh in annoyance. I can talk to him later... hopefully.

I keep walking and the path becomes more narrow as I continue. Soon my back is up against the wall and I can only use so much of my foot without feeling ground. I slowly make my way. I dare not look down.

I keep going for sometime, it seems like it will never end. I would fly but the space is way too small. I manage to reach the end of the long narrow passage and reach a wooden door. I open it up and step in, careful not to fall in the black abyss below. What I reach is a small little room, like an entrance way, made out of stone brick. There's a torch on the wall and stairs ascending in front of me. I quickly run up the stairs and I reach yet another wooden door. I open that one up and I cautiously step in the new found cellar made out of the same stone brick. There are torches lining the wall to my left and cells lining my right. I see another door open and I duck back in the stairwell. I watch and see Jake appear and I step out.

"Hey Jake."

He jumps and then notices me. "Oh hey. Is Dirk behind you?"

I shake my head and he sighs.

"Let's go get Jade and Luna then."

"Yeah... but I'm sure Dirk is fine." I reassure him and he shrugs.

"Let's just focus on your family."

"Right." I nod.

There are multiple wooden doors along with the torches
across from the empty cells. One cell we find dried blood and shackles in. There's a table in another one that holds some clothes and some weapons nothing interesting except familiar looking shades. I pick up the pointy shades which are cracked. Jake checked the other rooms and walks in as I hold the shades.

"I've found another staircase... aren't those Dirk's?"

I nod. "I'll give them to him later. I'm surprised he survived this long without them." I laugh a bit and then I remember why we're here.

Urgency hits me and I put my bro's shades down, we can come back for them later. Jake shows me the staircase and we ascend. I peak out into the hallway they lead to and the coast is clear. There's a red runner going throughout the entire hallway. A bunch of banners saying "obey" and such. There are chandeliers hanging from the high ceilings and some high up windows, letting light flood the hallway.

I motion for Jake to follow and we start checking rooms that are in the hallway. We don't find much. A kitchen, a couple storage rooms, a dining hall. Thankfully nothing creature wise was in them but it feels weird. Where is everybody? We keep looking and soon we stumble upon a grand foyer.

"I'll go check the rooms over there." Jake points across the large area.
"You should check the second floor."

I nod and we go our separate ways. I head up the large staircase and see a big photo framed, on the wall halfway up, of some troll with big, poofy, long hair. Damn... she does not look good. Anyways I need to focus and find them. I climb the rest of the stairs and start checking the upstair rooms. I end up dodging a few imps who had spears, they were quiet oblivious though. I get outside a door and hear a voice muffled voice on the other side.

"Soon your mommy and daddy will be mine, and then the rest of your family. But don't worry, you'll have me to raise you. You're going to help me rule. You disgusting little creature."

I hear the bitch laugh. Whoever this is I don't like the way she's talking to whoever. I then hear a baby cry and I know that cry from anywhere.


I hear footsteps and I quickly hide. The woman from the picture strides out the room and she laughs as she walks down the hall. I slide in the room quietly and see it's a nursery. Luna is in a crib crying. I pick her up and hold her. I try and calm her down and she snuggles closer to me. Now to find Jade and get the fuck out of here.

I carry Luna in one hand while my sword is in the other. I carefully reach downstairs and start looking for Jake. I then hear the bitch from before and I try ducking behind a column that's holding up the upper floor.

"It's a shame. She's not as fun as Dirk was but she certainly has more of a bite to her. She's a fucking dog my gog at least Dirk would say an insult but no all she does is growl." The bitch laughs and keeps walking with a few of her imps. "Oh my plan is perfect. They should be here by now if not already inside my castle. Dirk is off sleeping in lala land because he can't deal with emotions and poor little David will want Jade back meaning he'll drag Jake with him. I'll have all of them at my disposal!" She laughs maniacally.

"This is fucking beautiful! Everything is going just as planned and soon I'll have some of the strongest warriors to fight for me. The two princes of the land, a dog with magic, and a infamous demon hunter, isn't that ironic?"

She drones on about it some more then heads in another room with her imps.

I see Jake pop his head out of a room and I whistle for him to come over. We meet behind two columns.

"I see you found Luna." He says in a hushed tone.

"Yeah. Now to find Jade and get out of here." I whisper back.

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