Chapter 2

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How could he?! How could he invite well known Death Eaters into our house!?

Ok so Malfoy's not a Death Eater. Yet. But the last time I saw Bellatrix I was fighting for my life in the Department of Mysteries! And my father has the nerve to invite them to dinner?!?

I try to keep my breathing calm and my voice even, "Dad I need to speak to you in the kitchen -er- the rice is burning."

My dad looks confused but follows me into the kitchen. He doesn't see the smirks coming from Bellatrix and company, but I do.

As soon as I close the door behind me I tell my dad to charm it so that our guests can't eavesdrop.

"What were you thinking?!" I scream at him as soon as the door is charmed, "Why on earth would you invite Voldemorts servants into out house?! Do you know how powerful he is right now!? Everyone is panicking trying to avoid them, and you decide to invite them over to dinner?!"

My dad flinches at Voldemorts name. He is among the majority of the population that thinks somehow not saying the name makes Voldemort go away, which of course it doesn't. "Avery, I only thought-"

"They tried to kill me! They killed Sirius! Do you hear me? Bellatrix. Killed. Sirius." Uh-oh. That was a mistake. Even though my dad knows that I'm best friends with Harry Potter, I never tell him anything about my social life, meaning he didn't know the truth about Sirius... He saw in The Prophet that he was innocent of course, but he never knew that I had socialized with him, or about his relation to Harry.

"Sirius? As in Sirius Black? What does he have to do with this?" Dads tone remains calm and I know that no amount of shouting will change his mind. The Death Eaters are guests, they will be treated like all our other guests and nothing they have done is going to change that.

"At least tell me what you want from them." I say, glaring at him. I am sooo going to the Burrow tomorrow. I got the invitation a few days ago but my dad wanted me to wait until my O.W.L.s arrived. Screw O.W.L.s, I'm getting out of here as soon as I can.

Dad replies in a calm tone, "I simply think that being on friendly terms with both sides of this war shows that we don't want to particpate in it."

A retort begins to surface, but I keep my mouth shut. It's no use arguing at this point, I can tell by my dads face that this discussion is over. "Fine, but I'm getting Tibby to take me to the Burrow tomorrow." He starts to protest but I'm already walking out the door, composed expression back on my face.


Two hours later I am doing something I never thought I would ever have to do, ever, in this lifetime.

I am leading Draco Malfoy to my room.

The very idea of this repulses me, but my father said that he and the others needed 'adult time'. Yeah right, he wants me to make Malfoy like me so that he will tell his mom how good of a daughter I am and she should tell Voldemort not to kill us. I roll my eyes at the thought of that ever happening.

I remain silent as I walk into my room, slump on my bed, grab a quill and piece of parchment, and begin to write a letter to Ron letting him know I'll be at the Burrow by tomorrow afternoon.

Malfoy smirks as he walks in my room. He probably hates this as much as I do, but the situation is in his favour, so of course he's going to rub it in my face. "Aren't you going to tell me to make myself comfortable?" he asks, feigning surprise at my open annoyance at having to entertain him.

"I would if I actually cared." I say, smiling sarcastically.

"Well let's pretend you do." He smirks and sits down in a bean-bag chair beside the fireplace.

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