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"Because I love you too much" he started.

A wave of confusion flooded over her.

If he loved her so much why not marry her? She didn't understand. He had just proposed to her a few weeks ago.

"I love you too much." He repeated.

Her confusion turned to anger.

"And you don't love me enough." He continued, "I love you so much, so so so much, but you don't love me enough."

"Give me an example." She argued.

"When's the last time you've said you love me?" He replied.

"I-" she stopped. Realising she doesn't remember.

"Exactly." Tears started running down. He knew this would be hard, but he had to continue.

"I am so sorry, I do love you! I can't live without you!" She started crying, her vision being blurred by constant tears.

"I can't marry you. I am doing this for you, I love you so much. I know you loved me-"

"I still do! I love you, so, so, so, so much. Please give me a chance."

"And I know that once we get married, you will regret it. We aren't right for eachother! We just aren't"

"I would never regret it! You are my everything! My everything!" She repeated.

He wanted to stop. He wanted to take back everything and just marry his beautiful girl friend, but he knew he was doing the right thing. For him. For her.

"We don't please eachother anymore. You know it's true. I am doing this for you. I don't please you the way I used to."

She ignored what he said. She loved him. "No! You do please me. You are the greatest thing to ever happen to me!" She fell to the floor and started to cry uncontrallably.

He ran to her and held her. He knew this would he the last time she would be resting on his chest, his arm around her. He needed to take it in as much as he could. "We just aren't right for eachother anymore." He whispered when her breathing calm down.

"Can you not hear my pleas of forgiveness? I would do anything for you! Give me a chance"

He took her off of him and looked her straight in the eyes. "I've given you many chances. People don't change."

"I will change for you!" She screamed at him.

He held in his instinct to yell back. "No, you won't. I love you. I want you to be happy. You can't be happy if we stay together."

Anger rose up. She loved him. Why doesn't he believe her? "I LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! DON'T LEAVE ME." But alas, she had her chance.

He got up and looked down at her. "You may say it, but you will never show it." He turned around and started walking out of the door. "I will come back to get my stuff later."

"Please don't leave me.." she was a crumpled mess on the floor. He was hurting for her, but he was doing the right thing. He didn't want to turn around. "I love you.." he stopped in his tracks.

"Good bye." He choked out and continued walking.


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