Welcome to Camp...That's Impossible

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Matthew understood the reason why Ariana didn't want to go Camp Half-Blood but the other three didn't.

"Nope. Won't go can't go," Ariana said stubbornly.

Jason, Percy and Piper simultaneously groaned clearly annoyed that Ariana won't give them any information on why she can't go.

"Ariana can we talk please," Matthew interrupted.

Matthew lead Ariana into one of the vacant rooms upstairs and closed the door then locking it making sure no one can get in.

"What?" Ariana asked after she watched her brother lock the door securing her in the room with him.

"You should tell them," Matt blurted out.

"Are you crazy?" Ariana asked, shocked at what her brother just said.

Matt shook his head, "I don't get why you won't tell them it's not like they might try anything rash with you."

Ariana leaned on the door, "you know why I can't tell them. They won't understand and probably won't believe me plus they'll think that I am making up excuses to not go to Camp Half-Blood."

"So. what if they think that? At least I know the Truth"

Ariana shook her head, "no, it won't matter because I still won't be able to enter the camp anyways and you know that."

Matt sighed, "sometimes I wonder if I'm the older brother dealing with an insufferable younger sister".

"How about we make a deal?" Ariana suggested, "I'll tell the trio downstairs my story by the end of the day and I will stop being the 'insufferable younger sister' that you love dearly."

Matt pretended to look thoughtful but Ariana knew that he already agreed, he spit in hand and held it out, "ew, Hades no. I am not going to shake that, please wipe your hand and then I'll shake your hand", Ariana said disgusted.

Matt considerably wiped his hand and then shook Ariana's hand sealing the agreement.

When Ariana and Matt reentered the living room they were confused at what was going on. They found Jason and Percy playing chopsticks while Jason had a ball of water over his head and Percy getting electrocuted every now and then from Jason while Piper was drawing and watching her companions play their game of 'Dangerous Chopsticks'.

While Ariana stared at what was happening in amusement Matt coughed into his fist interrupting everyone's fun. While Percy let go of the ball of water on top of Jason's head soaking him from head to toe, the impact making his glasses to fall as he choked on the water.

Piper ignored Jason and Percy goofing off, "Took you long enough, we were starting to worry that you would never come out of that room" she said not looking up from her drawing.

Ariana and Matt just looked at each other and shrugged.

"So, are we heading to Camp Half-Blood or not?" Jason asked as he shocked Percy, Percy glared at him and Jason shrugged, "That's payback for let that ball of water fall on me"

Ariana shrugged, "I guess."

Percy looked at Jason and smiled when Jason got what Percy was trying to say and smiled too.

Apparently Piper caught on, "no. Not again, not after what happened last time."

"Oh, you mean the time when we almost killed each other in Kansas," Jason said as he stared of in the distance as if he was trying to remember what happened.

"Oh yeah, I think I still have a headache for getting kicked on the head by Blackjack" Percy said rubbing his forehead.

Outside thunder roared and lightning flashed "Finally Tempest is here," Jason said proudly.

Percy frowned as he looked at Jason in denial and betrayal, Percy then closed his eyes and a couple minutes later Blackjack had arrived.

Ariana raised her hand to ask a question, "how are we going to fit..." She counted everyone in the room including herself, "five people on two pegasi?"

Jason looked at Piper and Piper backed up putting her hands up, "no no no no, I am not touching a storm spirit that can shock me." Jason frowned and gave her his best puppy dog eyes, "please I can fly and guide him to Camp Half-Blood."

Ariana leaned over towards Matt, "Wait he can fly?" she whispered.

"Well he is a son of Jupiter" Matt said out loud.

"Thanks for saying that so loudly Matt, I appreciate it"

"OK can we go now? I'm afraid that Clarisse already stuck her spear inside someone. Plus, I want to see if Annabeth is back from her quest."

When they got outside Jason headed towards Tempest to greet him while Percy headed to Blackjack to do the same.

"We should split up into groups" Percy suggested, "Ariana go with Piper and Matt come with me"

As everyone headed towards the pegasus the were assigned to as Jason used the air to lift himself off of the ground.

"To Camp Half-Blood we go," Jason said then lead everyone to the camp.

Before they landed, Percy thought it was a good idea to land in front to Thalia's Tree.

Once they landed, Ariana had a bad feeling about what was about to happen. Matt was also concerned at what's about to happen too because it was the reason Ariana refused to come in the first place.

In front of everyone was a tree that created a border that separated mortals and demigods who were half human half god, Greek or Roman, and a beautiful camp filled with children and tennagers having fun, chasing each other around, playing instruments together and sparing but all Ariana could see was a tree and a forest with a strawberry field and she already knew that she seeing what everyone else was seeing.

Percy decided to go first and without saying anything he went through the border disappearing into the camp. Piper went next, "see you later, I'm going to find Annabeth and Matt once you guys choose to enter bring Ariana straight to Chiron then give a tour of the camp." Then she disappeared.

Matt turned around and said, "too bad you won't be able to see the camp because I swear to gods it's beautiful."Totally ignoring the fact that Jason was literally 5 feet away and heard everything Matt just said to Ariana. When Matt turned back around he covered his mouth in shock then whispered, "whoops" but before he could run away into the camp Jason stopped him and said, "wait..what did you just say?"

Ariana knew that this was going to happen, she knew that her brother would spill, that she could enter the camp because Zeus and his big stupid brain said that she would never be able to enter Camp Half-Blood nor Camp Jupiter because even though she was on the gods side at the end of the stupid Titan War that there's a possibility that she might betray them again. So, she did what she dreaded doing since that dreadful day, she put her hand up and touched the barrier to prove that she couldn't enter and she was right, her hand bounced right off.

Then she heard the surprised whisper of Jason, "that's impossible..."  

The Missing Goddess ~ A Percy Jackson Fanfiction [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now