Hatred (EXO's Chanyeol One-Shot)

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There goes the saying;

||Someone who really loves you sees what a mess you can be, how moody you can get, how hard you are to handle, but still wants you||



The weather was clear at that day, just like how I imagined it to be. Clear skies, cloudless, windy and just peaceful. No stress, no headache and no Park Chanyeol.

"How's it going Hana?". "Fine," I replied lazily as my eyes darted toward the clock sitting on my room table.

Things was fine back then before he existed. I was going freely with my name being Kim Hana, everyone despised me, no one dare to talk with me and everything were just amazing.

Until mom moved me to another high school.

Anyone had said to me, that a girl like me -that had temper disorder- should just stay at home or either go to physiologist for a therapy. Should never go to public nor private school and just stayed home schooled. The reason of me having no friend in my old school, was because I barked at them, snarled at them and scolded them even for a tiny reason. I had been always the mom of everyone, by nagging I mean.

The kindest person that had ever willing to stay with me until today was Byun Baekhyun, my cousin, my annoying cousin.

That was before Chanyeol existed.

As I was saying, mom moved me to another high school for a reason that I hardly wanted to remember. Just note it, I hate nuisances, that is a lesson to learn for future references. At the first day of school, I was called Red of Angry Birds. I didn't said I'm angry, I'm mad.

There was this boy that had this enormous ears, like Yoda and a deep voice like-. I don't care but I hate his guts. He was trying to be friend with me, or should I say forcing himself to be friend with me just because I looked like a lonely peasant at school. And the worst thing is, Byun Baekhyun was my classmate and he was the Yoda's friend.

As much as I wished his name was Yoda, it wasn't. The first time I heard his name was at the first day of school lunch. Along with my cousin, the Yoda was also popular. Certainly, his name was Park Chanyeol and I admitted, his name suited him. That's not for his face but his personality.

And truth to be told, sadly, I had to say that this Yoda made me fell for him. That was unbelievable, impossible but you gotta hear the story, the full story, I mean.

It was all started...

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