Hatred (EXO's Chanyeol One-Shot)

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||When people ask what I see in you, I smile and look away because I'm afraid if they knew, they'd fall in love with you too -Park Chanyeol||


Third's Point Of View


Summer break ended a few days ago. The next semester of school had started, and thus, arrived the day the girl feared the most, the day of transferring to a new school.

Inside a white-painted room, was a girl wearing a school uniform. Her hair was tidily braided into a bun, matching the cute look on her face. She postured a beauty of a model, which by any means was flawless. Though of her looks sometimes, people often mistook her as cute, and girly.

Turned out, their guesses were just mere mistakes. She had never been cute or anything close to the word 'girly'.

The girl had remembered what her mother told her last week, and it wasn't very favorable. It is barely as exactly accurate as what her mom said when she recalled it but it does sound something like this,

"Hana, I transferred you to a new school. The school you are studying in before was just too uneducated. Learning wasn't learning anymore, you had to do much homework and the teachers just weren't teaching anymore. I had heard you punched a student of your stress and I would want to likely avoid that. So, starting after the summer break you'll be going to another school, a new school,".

In terms of closeness with her mom, this girl named Hana wasn't that close to her mom. Her dark childhood was some of the reasons why she had never wanted to be involved with anything related to her mom.

Not once in a while that her mom requests something from her. Hana had been a grateful child, she should be. Growing up in a rich family must be a wish for anyone across the world, wherever they are. To return the favor, Hana accepted her mom's request, although it was hardly acceptable to her.

Going through her heart deeper,  she wasn't enjoying anything related to school. There were nuisances everywhere, demanding teachers and things that a person who had anger issues, hated.

Hana muchly could only, sigh in silence. There was no use turning back now since she was just in a few more hours going to head to her new high school. Frustration highly hit her. And she had to think many times, how did she agree to this? The reason goes back to her mom.

She ascended down the short staircase of her home, secretly hoping for the time to slow down until it will take years to finish walking, maybe by that, she won't have to go to school. But when remembering her mom that would do anything to make her go outside of her lair, her shoulder slouched.

"Hana come downstairs quickly!" She heard her mom yell. Hana entered the dining room and stared at the dining table fully filled with confections. She sighed, unsatisfied with anything presented on the table. For once, Hana gave her mom a quick glare as she was lost in her own world without touching her breakfast.

She had never resembled her mom, except for their features. Her mom was a soft, kind person and Hana was just the polar opposite of her mom. She is harsh, rough, and tough with her emotion. People that Hana met always said that she resembled her dad more but Hana couldn't agree or disagree. She never met her dad. The day she was born, her dad was battling cancer. Hana had no stories to say or recall. Even if she did, she would end up in her chamber again, crying wholeheartedly, blaming the death of her father on herself.

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