Let it fly, Mr. Dawson. Let it fly.

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A young boy on the battlefield, had an arrow notched in his bow.

Let it fly, Mr. Dawson. Let it fly. (Comment what movie that line is from.) A voice whispered in his ear.

But the boy just swatted it away.

His long, wild blond curls blew in front of his eyes in the fierce wind.

His stormy gray eyes full of hatred, fear, and sadness.

He looked no more than 10. Eleven at the most.

He was cute. Well, as cute as a kid can be when they're in battle.

And he had a maroon/purple mark along his jaw.

The boy's arrow was aimed at a woman who had dark curly hair, gray as like the boy, but she radiated a sense of power. Wisdom.

She wore a porcelain white dress, silver armor, a silver helmet with a golden plume.

The woman also had an owl perched on her shoulder.

She seemed unphased by the arrow set to stick her in the heart.

At her feet lay two girls and a boy. They were dying. I knew this scene all too well. Because I replay this memory every night.

"SAVE THEM!" The boy (me when I was 10/11) yelled to the woman.

"Michael Judith Dawson. Your journey begins here, my son." The woman said softly. "One that your sisters and brother may not accompany you on."

"SAVE THEM!" I cried.

"Put the bow down son. Accept their fate."


One of the bodies stirred.

"M-Michael." Her blond hair was matted to her face with blood and her calm gray eyes stared at me sweetly.


"Listen to mom." Annabeth managed. "S-she always has our best interests at heart."

"Please Mike. Please." The other girl asked.

"We'll be fine kiddo. We'll be-" My brother groaned. But he never did finish that sentence. Because before he could, they had died.

Mother let them die.

No, Athena let them die.

She was no mother to me.

Anyone who didn't try to save my family was no longer apart of it.

I should probably introduce myself.

Well, my name's Michael Dawson. Obviously. And no, I'm not related to Shane Dawson.

Well, actually I am. But that's besides the point.

I'm (unfortunately) a son of Athena.

But I never consider that murderer to be my mother.

And I sure as hades don't refer to myself as A son of Athena.

But I just did a second ago..........never mind.

I'm the half brother of the late Annabeth Chase. And the foster brother of the late Sofia-Samantha Tanner and Jonas McDawier.

 And you could say that I'm the cabin 6 equiveltent of Nico di Angelo. The only person who really understands what I'm going through.

The only person who fills this never ending pain I've been cursed with.

My choice of weapon is a knife. It used to be a bow. But ever since that day 4 years ago......

I haven't even touched a bow since then.

Because every time I do, I hear that same evil, ice cold voice. Whispering:

Let it fly, Mr. Dawson. Let it fly.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Dec 26, 2013 ⏰

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