Chapter Two - Memories Of The Dead

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If you haven't already noticed the book will be going from different points of view. Well actually only two; Rose and Boston's.

Im dedicating this chapter to my editor WideEyedNaomi :D

Off to the side is a picture of Rose & Boston's mother -------------------->

- LetMeBeMe oxo





 Everyone was finally seated so the funeral could begin. It felt weird having a funeral now; it’s been eight years since I’ve seen or heard from my parents. The day before my sister and I left for boarding school is the day they went missing, not that we knew we were only nine. Eight years later the police think they’ve found the bodies.

 I never really knew my parents to well; they spent most of their time doing ‘important’ things. Guess they didn’t think spending time with their kids was important but none the less I still loved them. Just wish they loved me back. You could never really tell.

 “Boston, time to read that poem you were talking about.” Rose said.

 “Oh right, yeah. Sorry.” I said completely lost in my own thoughts.

 I could feel everyone staring at me, I hated it. As I got up to the podium I took in a deep breathe and said to myself, just get it over and done with and no one will notice.

 “I’d like to read you all a part of a poem called I Carry Your Heart With Me by E.E Cummings. I think it describes my parents perfectly.” Taking in another deep breathe I told myself the same thing, just get it over and done with and no one will notice.

                                              "I carry your heart with me;

                                                   I carry it in my heart.

                                                  I am never without it,

                                       Anywhere I go you go, my dear;

                                     And whatever is done by only me

                                            Is your doing, my darling."

 I let out a sigh of relief not realizing I had actually held my breath for a while. I grabbed my piece of paper and hurried from the podium. It was over, I could finally breathe.

 “My turn.” Rose said teasingly whilst getting off her seat and making her way to the podium.

“Rose would now like to say a few words.” Father Burney said.

 “Thank you, father.” She took in a deep breath and looked at everyone in the crowd and found me. She had that smile on her face I knew all to well. “I know its been a long time since anyone of us has seen or heard from my parents but I think they would be grateful that they have finally been found and we get some closure. My brother and I were eight when they went missing so a lot of my memories have faded away.”

 I didn’t want to hear anymore. I thought that I could come here and find some closure but it’s just too much. Everybody here is just trying to be supportive and help us out but I’m sick of it. I don’t like being in this spot light. No one here really cares anyway. Not even our parents cared, friends were more important to them and we were just part of the image. Come on Boston don’t cry, you have to be strong and just block it all out. I looked up to see my sister looking at me with worry. I tried to give her a small smile but I don’t know if that satisfied her.

 “I remember once when they took us to a lake for a weekend getaway. I remember how clear and still the water was and how the sunset made the scenery look magical. For a seven year old going to a lake for the first time it was the greatest thing on earth. My family and I spent all weekend down by the water and when it came time to go I never wanted to leave. They literally had to pick me up.” She had a little giggle to herself at the memory. “It was the best memory I have of my parents.”

 I remembered that weekend; it was definitely one of my favourite memories as well. I remember when we hoped out of the car my jaw just dropped I couldn’t think of a place more stunning. I stood still for what felt like forever just taking it all in. My dad had to pick me up and drop me in the water before I actually said something. What could I say; I was nine and never really had gone anywhere. The water was so nice. I could’ve just stayed in there forever. I didn’t though but it was a very good weekend. Dad taught me how to throw a football and mum taught me how to dive.

 I know that my parents would’ve wanted today to be a celebration of there life and so if anyone would like to say a few words please don’t hesitate to come up to the podium.” With that Rose left the podium and sat down next to me with her forehead still creased telling me she was still worried.

 “Rose I’m fine, promise.” I said trying to reassure her but by the look on her face it wasn’t working.

 “Boston you looked like you were depressed and you had that look on your face when you’re having a very thoughtful conversation with yourself. Please, tell me what was wrong?“

 “I was just thinking about today and stuff. No need to worry.”

 “Just remember it always going to be you and me. You can tell me anything.” She put her hand on my back stroking back and forth. I know she would always have my back. Rose and I were always close and it is her and I against the world. She’s the only one I can really depend on.

 There were no more people wanting to say some words about my parents so Father Burney finished off and we all made our way out of the church. Everybody was starting to leave for the wake. I just wanted to stay there for a while and enjoy some peace and quiet because I can guarantee that I wont get much of that after this.

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