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Alright let's get this over with, yes I know I am making these to fast, but I am board and suffer from jet lag. (That means that I can't sleep). Let's start with 6 facts about me.

1. I am lazy

2. I like jokes

3. I am a relaxed and uptite at the same time

4. I am stronger than I look

5. I wear a blue jacket even when it's not cold

6. Technically I am a hipster because I was like this before it was cool (that means I was like sans before the vidio game even existed. Not lying) that, and I wear glasses

Alright now some questions!

WHY DID YOU JOIN WATTPAD? I joined because I was board and I wanted to read about dancetale sans × frisk so I saw this app and now I use it all the time.

FAV COLOUR? Purple and red ( blue is second place)

FAV GAME? Undertale (duh)

FAV CHARACTER? SANS obviously I relate to him the most

FAV SUBJECT: Science (mostly astrology)

GENDER: Female or Male (your choice)

FAV SHIP: Sans × Frisk for life!

OK I will end this here, bye guys...
P.s it is around 2 in the morning

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