I'm a Loose Bolt

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--Third Person POV--

"Sandman you're back!" Tiffany grinned.

"Hey Tiff," he sleepily smiled and ruffled her hair, "where's Benze?"

"I just got here so I don't know. I've been looking for him though."

"Have you checked his room?" He asked and she shook her head, "well come on."

She follows him. He opens the door to reveal Benzedrine looking over a microscope, his hat rests next to him on the table.

"Silus?" He questions, "How long have you been in here?"

"Go away Sandman," he grumbled avoiding the question as he grabbed a vial of green liquid.

"Benzie?" Tiffany questions.

"I'm on a breakthrough go away," he said Sandman moved towards him, Benzedrine flinched and the thing blew up in his face, "Marcus go! Two months of work is gone now!"


"No! Get out!" He snapped pushing past them and storming out. Mr. Sandman made an attempt to go after him.

"Sandy no." She shakes her head.

"Fine," he sighs. Benzedrine made his way down the path.

"Doctor?" A familiar voice greeted the yellow suited man as an orange haired man fell into stride with him, "what happened?"

"It's all gone. All my work..."

"Oh shit man. That sucks. I wish I could help."

"Thanks Dimitri but I don't think I can do anymore."

"Yes you can!" Dimitri grinned, "I know you can."

He just shakes his head and proceeds walking.

"I gotta go. I'll see you later D," he walked away. The dark forest owned by his brother came into view but didn't stop.

"Dr. Benzedrine!" A girl ran up to him, "You can't go there!"

"And why not?" Benzedrine asks.

"It's dangerous," she grabbed his arm.

He rolls his eyes and she gives him a skeptical look.

"Don't believe me?" She questions.

"I'm going in anyways Winona," he said walking closer and she followed him, "why are you following me?"

"Because you can get lost in there."

"Come with me." She says.

The good doctor hesitated for a second, "I... okay."

She smiles at him before he follows her. He suddenly lost her.

"Winona?" He called looking around as a growl could be heard in the distance, tears spilled down his cheeks as his breathing became erratic and he slid down a dark tree.

"Why are you crying?" A voice asked.

"Hey nothing's going to get you," a white gloves hand reached out to him. Benzedrine flinched back.

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