Showing His Beam

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"You find anything yet?" The Ringmaster growled getting impatient.

"You know, you could hold your fucking horses and wait!"

He rolls his eyes and goes back to picking at his fingernails. Just then something pulled on the branch Winona was holding.

"I got something!"

"Are you sure? Or is it another damn branch?" The Ringmaster did not look up.

"No it's not. I swear." She says. He still didn't look up as a fingerless gloved hand appeared out of the water gripping tightly to the branch.

She pulls to help it out. The oncoming sucking noise pulled the Ringmaster out of whatever he was doing, as the hand was followed by another and then a dark blue suit jacket.

"Finally Winona," he grins walking over to her.

"I told you."

Pale blonde hair made the next appearance before a pair of green eyes and a face then a torso and finally the legs and feet, which the water let go with a sharp pop. The man laid on his back for a few seconds breathing, eyes closed before looking up. His green eyes shifting to yellow and then settling on a blue green.

"Silus?" Winona asked and the man furrowed his eyebrows.

"Who's Silus?" He frowned flexing his hands in front of his face.

"Never mind."

"Winona help him up," the Ringmaster ordered. She held out her hand, he skeptically looks at it before grabbing it with his own.

"Something wrong?" She asks helping him up.

"I can't remember," he frowned playing with his jacket, "...anything..."

"Okay then."

"I'm glad we found you when we did. That slime could've done more damage. I'm sorry Mr. Sandman did that to you, he is ruthless," the Ringmaster lied, hiding his boyish smirk.

"Y-yeah. Yeah. I'm starting to remember. He threw me in," the man who was just in the water nodded, soaking up all the information like a sponge despite his mind telling him not to trust this man.

"But we can help you." Winona softly smiles.


"We are going to destroy him. You in for it... Soul Punk?"

"Can I help?" The suiteheart turned nightmare, now believed his name as Soul Punk, smiled.

"Of course."

He hisses in pain clutching his head.

"He's still trying to contact him," the Ringmaster frowned to Winona.

"Yeah I know."

"If we break that connection then Sandman will be weakened," she nods and he continues, "that means we'll have to remove all traces of Sandman from his mind. Do you want to do the honors or should I?"

"The pleasure is mine," she smiled.

"Then do it," he dismissed her.

She stepped towards Soul Punk, who was staring at her, he know's he's seen her somewhere, the memory was itching in the back of his mind along with the voice that was calling out to him.

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