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It was a dark and gloomy day, no different from any other day. I was driving down an old road, like I do anytime I have nothing to do, when I came upon an abandoned town. I have driven down this road many times before and know for sure that I had never seen this town before. I drove up closer to it. It looked like a town that would come out of an old western movie.
I parked my car and got out. I walked up to one of the buildings that was surprisingly still standing. The wood was all moldy and paint was chipping.

How is this place here? How are these buildings still standing? I asked myself. I wandered around looking at every little thing, every little detail when I happened to stumble upon a house with it's lights on, and smoke coming out of the chimney.

"What the..." I said. I walked up to the door and knocked. I heard rustling behind the door, making me really confused. The door opened and behind it was an older gentleman, a few years older than me.

"Hello," he said

"Um hi, my name is Peter," I replied.

"How may I help you Peter?"

"Um, well, I was driving and I stumbled upon the little town, I was wondering where I am."

"Oh, well this here is Richmond, the oldest town in this part of the country." Richmond, Richmond, I thought. I have heard of this town before but I thought that it burnt down, an accident though.

"Um, one more question, if you don't mind?" I asked.

"Of course."

"Well, what's the date today?"

"Today is August 15th, 1908." 1908! How could I possible be in the year 1908. Something isn't right. I gotta leave.

"Thank you sir, I'll be on my way now," I said, turning to leave.

"Well hold up lad, it'll be getting dark soon, why don't you just stay here for the night," he said, looking deep into my eyes.

"Uh, sure." I don't know why I said yes, it's like I was unable to say no. He turned around and walked inside. It was like I wasn't in control of my own body, it was moving at its own accord. I followed him to the kitchen where there was food already prepared and ready to be served.

"Why don't you go sit down. The dinning room is just through that door." He pointed to a door behind me. I turned and walked into the dinning room and sat down. Something about this house just seemed off. A few minutes later the man came in with the food.

"Let me go get the others and then we can start," he said, walking through a different door.
I heard him yell 'dinner's ready' and then he came back in."They will be down in just a minute."

"Um, if you don't mind me asking, who are 'they' exactly?" I asked, becoming more and more nervous.

"Oh, my family. My wife, and our children, though they aren't exactly mine, I mean they aren't my flesh and blood but I care for them none the less."

"Oh, alright." Right as I said that the door that the man walked through opened and who I guess the people he calls "family," came in.

"Peter, this is my family; my wife Mary, my daughters Suzy and Liza, and my sons Daniel and Steve."

"N-n-nice to m-m-meet you." I said.

"Hi Peter." They all said. Weird.

"So, uh, Mary, how long have you guys been together?" I asked, as food was being passed around.

"Uh, 20 years." The man said suddenly.


I took a bite of my food and it tasted bitter, something was just off. As i kept eating I started to feel dizzy.

"Uh, sir, " I asked, holding onto the table. "What is in here?"

"Oh not much, just some spices, some poison, simple stuff."

"Oh oka-wait did you say poison?" I asked getting really nervous, trying to get up, which was really hard at the moment, as I was getting dizzier.

"Yup, but don't worry, it wont kill you, it will just kind of turn you into my minion, I mean did you honestly think these people were my family willingly. I kidnapped them just like I did you." He explained.

Right as he got done explaining himself everything went black.


I woke up tied to a chair in a random room. I remembered everything that had happened to me before I passed out and that made me freak out. As I was trying to get out of the chair, the door opened and Suzy came in with a bag.

"Suzy, you gotta help me, please." I pleaded, but it seemed as if she was staring straight through me.

She got closer to me, setting the bag down and reaching in, pulling out a needle. She walked up to me pushing the needle into my arm.

"Suzy no." I said, as it went it in, and just like that, my mind went blank and I forgot everything.

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