Meeting Orion

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I woke up with a gasp in a cold sweat. I looked around to see nothing but mountains and snow for miles. I was wrapped in a thick, burlap sheet and a bear hide bedding. The bitterly cold wind whistled in the air, leaving a sense of loneliness. I unwrapped myself from the burlap pocket and took a deep breath. I tried to get up but was unsuccessful and collapsed back down. I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my right leg. It was covered in cloth and was stained red, most-likely from blood.

"Ah, your awake now", called out a deep voice.

I turned around quickly, startled. There was a man standing there covered in a flurry of assorted animal skins and leather. His face was adorned with a scraggly beard, a broken nose and a deep scar across the eye. His face was very tan and abnormal, with deep, dark and sunken eyes.

"The name's Orion. Your's?" he asked

"Kan. My name's Kan."

"You're lucky to have gotten out of King Ilevlk's palace alive, you realize that?"


"WHY? Only because he is the most evil man alive!"

"How so?"

"He went mad one day. After that, he became obsessed with gaining power. He elected himself the king over all of Tuterichina and ordered the extinction of many species."

"How come I don't know about all this?"

"Well, you've been out for 7 months, kid"

"I WHAT!?"

"The Resistance had just figured out about his big plans and ambushed the palace. Meanwhile, you were getting your soul drained from Ilevlk. You were saved, although damaged, but Ilevlk used unknown magic on a soldier at the last second."

"What happened to him?"

"Well, he disappeared a week later."

"Also, why have my wounds not healed yet?"

"Don't Know. You got hit by one of his minions with a magical knife."

"So, what am I supposed to do?"

"Well, you can't return to your village. I'm sorry to say it was destroyed at the Battle of Intyn."

I faltered.


"Ilevlk used magic to burn it to the ground."

"My-my fa-", my voice cracked.

"Look", I started "I never wanted-"

"None of us do!"

I jumped back. His face was poignant and depressed.

"I want to join the Resistance"

"WHAT? NO! Absolutely not, it's too dangerous for a-"

"Kid? Try me!?"

He had a silent battle with himself.

"FINE, okay. I'll take you to the Resistance HQ, but after that, I'll have you taken to a new village."

"I can work with that. But, how do we get to HQ?"

"I have my ways. This way"

Orion then ran and slid down a snowy hill. I took a deep breath and slid down the hill as well.

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