Chapter Nine

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Natsu closed the book and put it on the small table, he didn't notice Lucy walked in until she sat in front of him "Now you know they truth." She muttered, smiling unhappily.

"Zeref." Natsu ran his hand through his pink hair and looked her dead in the eye "It's not your fault." His voice strong and sure "I can't believe you're this old and still look good." He said, failing at flirting.

Rolling her eyes she giggled "I really am sorry." He stared at her and grinned, he felt like he wanted to hug her but he didn't, there was just a comfortable silence before they heard giggling.

"You guys liiikkeee eachotherr~"

Natsu knew that voice anywhere.. "Happy." He said in a stern voice "Why are you here?" 

Suddenly appearing, he laughed 'evilly' and put his paws to his cheeks "I was here the whole time, I know everything!" He said proudly, not caring if it hurt Lucy.

"Natsu, what's happening, who is this cat?" Lucy asked leaning on the arm of the sofa "He looks like Carla."

"You forgot about me?" Happy asked earning a glare.

The pinkette leant forward and patted her hair and she pouted "Don't worry about him, he is trustworthy, don't worry."

Gulping, Lucy nodded and sighed, moving her hands to hold his cheeks, he blushed at her actions and tried his best not to freak out "Natsu, you still have sixteen days."

"I know, my time starts tomorrow." He smiled, feeling his heartbeat regain pace.

She looked down at her feet and pulled her hands away from his face making him frown"What's wrong?"

Still not looking into his eyes, she muttered something before stepping back "I-I still can't leave the cottage." 

"I don't get it," Happy murmured "How come the people outside don't get effected?"

Lucy crossed her legs and stared at the blue cat "It's because they're also magical creatures, simple."

"But do you know how to break the spell or something, books say it's true loves kiss." Natsu said, grinning as he stared at Lucy's flushed face.

She looked away, putting her index finger to her bottom lip "Actually it's more complicated." She muttered. Lucy became a darker shade of red and hid her face "According to the gypsy, I-I have to make love to someone."

Happy disappeared at her words and she heard a chorus of gasps coming from outside causing her to bury a face in her pillow..

 "Well come on then Luce, time to make babies." Natsu said blushing madly but being very blunt about what he wanted to do and that was Lucy.

"It doesn't work like that!" She screeched feeling massively embarrassed, Lucy even thrown the pillow at him.

He looked hurt and slouched into the sofa making her sweat-drop "I need to properly fall in love, with caring actions, not just broken promises."


She stared at the ground and then out the window, her friends had gone and the sun was quickly setting "I think you need to go Natsu, you need to find another woman."

"No, I am stubborn, I only want you to be my queen, I want to protect you." He stood up and walked towards the door and she quickly followed.

"Natsu?" She asked as he opened the door, suddenly being illuminated by the moonlight and he grinned.

"Tomorrow, be ready by mid-day, I'll come and make you fall in love with me."

She gasped as he left without a word but his 'Romeo facade' was destroyed when Juvia splashed him with water because he scared her.

Lucy closed the door and leant against it "Am I really ready to do this?"

The blonde walked up the stairs and fell onto the soft bed, a picture of her parents lay on the floor, it was torn from a story book but it looked so much like them that it gave her comfort.

"What would you do mama?" She asked herself "Do I trust this boy, do I need him to save me?"

She sighed and rolled over, clutching the cold pillow "Will he truly be able to save me or is it another empty promise?"


Usually I write chapters ahead of time to get them out for you guys but I'm stuck on ideas about what they could do since they can't leave the area surrounding the cottage so what I want you to tell me is:

What would you like to happen?

Comment your suggestion down below so you can get the chapter in the next four days!

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