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She's pale, skinny, her hair is ragged, and her clothes have holes in them. She's made fun of and bullied. They tease her and call her anorexic. They shove her into lockers and push her to the floor. They say she's too pale and skinny. They call her names to bad to mention. What they don't know is that she didn't choose to be this way.

At home her family lives in a run down trailer. Her Dad just lost his job and her mother is a drug addict. She's forced to get a job herself, but it isn't enough. She sometimes goes weeks on end living  only on water and food she can pawn off the few friends she has. She has five siblings so even when her Dad does bring home food she doesn't get to eat much of it. She's the oldest, being 16, and is expected to let the younger kids eat first. Her mother gets whatever she wants to eat and because of this, she and her Dad are left to eat crumbs.

To deal with the pain of her life she cuts herself. When she first started she accidentally cut too deep and almost died. She didn't stop though, she couldn't. She loved being able to take her mind off the pain of her life, if only for a few hours. Cutting helped her with her depression, as it gave her a sense of control over her life. In reality she had no control over her life. Her job wasn't enough to feed her family. She was slowly losing her friends. She is always bullied and as a result of this feels worthless. She always thinks of suicide but her friends help her push those thoughts out of her mind. If you die your family won't have anyone to support them. You may not  be able to fully support them but you help them more that you know. Also if you die what would we do? This is what her friends always told her. This support from her friends was the only thing keeping her alive.

You see how little aspects of a situation can save a life. If she hadn't had friends she would have killed herself. So please if you see someone like this don't be a bully. Be nice to them you might just save a life.

As always please send me suggestions on what situations I can write about. Thanks so much for the support.

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