Chapter 2

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Lisa woke up screaming. She looked around and stopped screaming. She was in her room. Her room, her nice, small, cozy, safe room

She felt sick to her stomach like she was just dropped. Her stomach hurt along with her arms

"Ow, mom, dad!" wailed Lisa "Mom, Dad!"

"Lisa what's wrong?" Lisa's mom, Hanna, calmly asked as she walked in her daughter's room.

"My arms and legs hurt." Lisa said sobbing.

"What do you mean honey?" Lisa's dad, Joe, asks.

Her mom pulled the covers back. "Joe look at her arms!" Hannah screamed "call 911 and hurry!"

Later that night, at the hospital.

"Well you somehow broke the bones in your arms and legs like they were twigs. You say you went to bed, but when you woke up about an hour ago they hurt. Are you sure that you don't sleep walk or anything like that, maybe that had happened. " said Dr. Laytane. He was a short man with black hair that was a buzz cut. He had dark piercing eyes that were not kind and had fairly dark skin.

"Yes that's what happened and I don't sleep walk or anything." Said Lisa, annoyed, for the fourth time.

"Ok, did anything weird happened that you remember?" asks Dr. Laytane

"There was something but you can't make fun of it. Promise?"

"Yes of course."

"Well ok." Lisa said slowly "Before I woke up, I was running from something or someone. It was hard to tell. The thing said 'run if you want, but you can never hide' when the thing said that the ground suddenly was gone. I fell into pitch black. Then I woke up and my arms and my legs hurt."

Dr.Laytane looks at Lisa with a doubtful, but an intrigued, expression then he said "I will be right back and I will need you to retell that story so my colleagues and I can write that down and discuss it." He left the room, with that still going around his head. A little while later he came back with three other doctors and then Dr Laytane asked Lisa to retell her story.

"Wait before I do will you introduce yourselves please."asked Lisa.

Dr.Laytane started to say no then one of the people, a woman, said "I am Dr.Resainet, but you can call me Dr.R" She smiled. She had a nice smile that was true. She was also tall ,very pretty with red hair, dark blue eyes, and very tanned skin. She looked around 33 years old and Lisa wondered if she was married

"I am Dr.Winkeys." Said one of the men. He looked like he was around 67 years old; with short white hair, that matched his height, and light brown eyes and pale skin.

" I am Dr.Fredericks." Said the other man. He had brown hair, hazel eyes, tan but not as tan as Dr.R and pale but not as pale as Dr.Winkeys. He was also very handsome and tall. He to looked about 35.

Compared to those three Dr.Laytane was and looked mean.

"Ok now that you know their names, will you please tell them your story." Dr. Laytane said with a hint of annoyance.

" It's not a story it was a dream." Lisa snapped at him. She annoyed because he was being mean and would not let her see her parents.

"Lisa are you hungry?" Dr.R asked calmly.

"A little." Said Lisa. The truth was she was really hungry. She had not eaten since dinner and she had also thrown up whatever else was in her stomach.

"What would you like to eat?"

"Can I have a peanut butter and grape sandwich, please? "

"Of course. Do you want a cookie with it?"

"Yes please. Can I see my parents?"

"Yes. I will get your food, you can eat, then after that we can resume." She left the room along with the other doctors.

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