Wrong Impressions

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Chapter One: 

I was not your ordiary 16 year old girl, if a girl is what you call me. I am a she wolf, but in the pact I am just the omgea of the biggest pack in the world,The New Moon pact. Made of about 400 wolves, which isn't a lot considering I have more facebook friends then that. But thats why if someone dies we take it way seriously, and it is dangous times for the people of our age. 

My job in the pact, isn't the nicest one. The higher ranks can make me do anything, even use me for sex. They say jump, I am suppose to ask 'How high' but I have a thing against authority. But my best friend gets me out of trouble most of the time. but sometimes i get me beaten, but I am not one to back down. I walk through the pact like I walk through school everyday, Head held high. 

Today was the day it was going to change, I am determind to make it in a higher rank of a guridan, which in old time days would be like a knight. Ever since my dad told me the story of how one of them saved his life, they don't judge by ranks. They live according to how they make it happen. 

Unfortunitly, it was monday. and was forced to go to school, but it wasn't so bad since my best friend Damon  - the soon to be alpha, since we were 7, pushed me and I made him cry by punching him in the face, he didn't want to mess with me after that and he wanted to know everything about me. But 10 years later he is an annorrogant player, but I have to love him anyway,unlucky for ever his mate that he gets to find today, as it is his 17th birthday, and our wolf reconigises who our mate is, but it sucks for guys that have younger mates, because they won't feel the connection til there birthday. 

I look in the mirror, I knew I wasn't ugly. Not being stuck up, but its one of the benefits of being a werewolf - I have shiney long brown hair with natural blonde strikes, but glows with a light reddish ting in it. I have big brown eyes that shows my emotions too much, black eyebrows, big boobs (like a porn star) and long legs. I am pretty tall, about 5'9 ft (170cm) I quickly put on some lipstick and miskara and some eyeliner, and some shorts and tee shirt.

"Hey Mum, Can I drive to school today, I only hae 3 weeks to get my last 4 hours, to get my P's" I asked my mum while she was making breakfast.

 (Austrailians would know what I am saying, but if not its our laws of driving, need 100/120 Hours with parents for a year in the car to get our P plates which mean we can drive all by ourselves - Pain in the ass.) 

"Thats fine, but we need to go to a pact meeting tonight at tinninbar, so that will get 3 hours you need." She smiled. She was a lovely women of 44, but looked only 30. but when I was 14 I would get in lots of fights with her. I am an omega because my parents aren't really mates, so my dad left mum to be with Nataile his real mate. 

which kinda gets awkward, because she is my second mum and does care for me and savannah, but mum hates that she's still in love with my dad and can't really do anything about it. But my mum met Mick, My step dad remove, and had my little sister Annie, but she got Micks genes and is not a were wolf. But she met her real mate, Errol, 14 years older than her, who had 3 kids already, but same thing happend between them, one human, 2 werewolfs. but they don't know eachother. Its a really confusing, but my only real sister, savannah hates Aaron and Bianca (errols were kids) because savannah is at a higher rank since her mate is 5 years older and is the beta, so we pretty much disgust her. 

But Mum, Errol, Aarron, Bianca and I went to Europe together for them to be fully mated after my dad had already claim her. But he is getting married to Nataile so he is taking us to Vegas to claim her. 

Europe was the best time of my life, and we really felt like a full family acting as a pact of our own. But there was one guy that I remeber as soon as I walked into frankfruit airport, he was a blonde hair blue eye german goddess. and i melted at his voice. I was sad our encounter was cut short, but I have a feeling I will see him again, epsially because I want to move to Germany.  But right now I just have to walk through these school gates and pray that I don't land in jail for punching someone in the face.

I walked in the school passing hundereds of people to get to my locker, when i turned around to see the electric green eyes of my best friend, Damon. He smiled but didn't come over to say hi, only turned his back and pretty much ran in the opposite direction. I couldn't help but feel slightly upset that he seemed dissapointed, maybe he has some other best female friend. 

I walked around for the next ten minuntes confused on what to do, I really just wanted to find him and wish him a happy birthday and ask about his mate, but after he ran like that I figured he didn't want to see me. 

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