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Johnnyboy's POV
  I tied my curly hair into a tight bun and pulled the dark green Vic's uniform over my head. This entire month went by far too quick. I think I'm better off without Jefferson.

Sam and I have grown close since we signed up for Heathers together. They are doing a "diverse" cast this year and anyone who can sing and act well got the part. What I'm trying to say is that I got Heather Duke and Sam got Heather Macnamara.

Work was quite a drag. The usual people came in. Rude costumers. Basic white girls that aren't Peggy and I. The usual.

The bell above the door jingled as it opened then closed. A very attractive (not Alexander attractive tho) man with dark red hair walked in.  His face was cold and he looked either pissed off, very focused or very serious.  He walked up to the counter.

"Hello there! May I take your order?" I asked, masking my fear with a smile.

"May I please get a black coffee that's plain and dark." He looked directly into my eyes. The man blinked twice. "And a boston cream doughnut."

"Uhh yeah of course." I mumbled uncomfortably. "What's your name, sir?"

"James. If you want you can just put Hamilton."

My head shot up and I stared at him in shock. "Did you say Hamilton? Like Alexander Hamilton?"

"Do you know him? Where is he? I have to talk to him. You see he's my little brother and-" He kept rambling on and on and I giggled. I see how they're related.


*throws chapter at readers*

WHOA, M8 (Lams AU)(DISCONTINUED)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt