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"Then mr

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"Then mr. Rodregueze fell from his chair and broke his left arm all thanks to me we didn't need to learn chemistry that day"Chanyeol blabbers eagerly at chen who listen attentively and xiumin cringe at the story.

"I would thank you if you learn to shut the fuck up!"Kris spats at him but he just shrugs it and continues with his endless blabbering.

"Chill man"Luhan wraps his right hand around kris' neck in a brotherly way and kris rolls his eyes,annoyed.

"Ughhhh,I can take it no more"Tao grunts in frustration as he tossed his AP Literature away at the corner of their private lounge.

"What now big baby?"Kyungsoo also known as the nerd of the group asks in annoyance as he is trying to finish his 1587 paged Chinese history book.

" I cant deal with these sappy words anymore."Tao sighs dramatically and slumps himself down on one of the couches with a loud thud.

"Hey you just landed on Mr. cipchop!"Baekhyun shouts on the top of his lungs make the whole room silent. Even chanyeol shuts his mouth this time.

Tao's eyes widens at the revelation and his body becomes stiff instantly.

"Tell me it is one of your hamsters that I landed on."Tao said discreetly while eyeing baekhyun with hopeful eyes.

"That would be Rex but Mr. Cipchop is---"

"IT'S CREEPING UNDERNEATH MY SHIRT!!!!!"Tao screams in that ungentleman-like manner as he jumps out from the couch and hops around to get the pet off him.

"Oh shit"Kai curses under his breath as he takes his earphones off his ears.

"IT HAS EIGHT LEGS !!!!This time the scream is twice louder than the previous one.

"How the hell is your hamster has eight legs?!"All of them ask in unison and send a glare in baekhyun's direction.

"Because it's not a hamster"Baekhyun says with a duh tone and rolls his eyes.

"JUST GET IT OFF OF ME WILL YOU?!!!!"Tao shouts still hopping around.

"Don't worry I can turn whatever it is into a smokey barbeque."Chanyeol steps forward with flame in his palm as he approaches Tao.He has that mischievous grin plastered on his face and every step he takes makes the flame flares even bigger and bigger.

Baekhyun swiftly blocks chanyeol's way "No I wont let you touch my baby so stop---oh there you are boy!"Baekhyun cheers enthusiastically and lifts up his pet from where Tao had successfully drops it and runs away to hide behind the others who gather at the entrance of the lounge.

"Look it's just a little Tarantula and you have scared it.It's okay baby,daddy is here to protect you"Baekhyun makes a gesture to kiss it and the others reward him with a sincere ewwwwwwwww and pure disgust.

"Okay drama's over so you guys are dismissed to your respective classes."Suho the leader more to a mother of the group clasps his hand together and dismisses his members.They grab their own bags with a groan and leave to their classes.

"And Park Chanyeol please don't use your power to burn Mr. Rodreguez's class this time"Suho narrows his eyes at chanyeol and he rolls his eyes.

"Yes MOM!"Chanyeol and baekhyun start to involve in an animated conversation on they way to their class.According to their mischievous look at each other,they are up to no good.

"And you too kim Jong In"Yes he'll call his friends using their full names when he's being serious.It's a mother's thing."if I find out you beat a guy into a pulp again I will---"And that is the cue for him to put his earphones on and turn the volume of his ipod up to the highest.

"I'll see you later after school"He deadpans and teleports himself to the hell hole as in his class.

"Yah!Don't use your power at school you arsehole!"Yeah he's afraid of cursing too.Another mother' s thing.He looks around and feels relief when no one is in sight.

Suho sighs and makes his way to his own class.

Welcome to the Mystic High where everyone is normal if you don't count a group of supernatural boys,witches and demons as the school's very own community .The school name's itself is a term to justify the unordinary creatures but little did people know that the school stores these creature out from their world.Hell even the normal students in the school have no idea.

A highschool would not complete without a bunch of charming,intelligent and athletic heartthrobs of its own and in this school,they are called The Crown.It is consist of 12 boys with full package of the aforementioned qualities.Yes you hear me right,there are 12 of them altogether.

Kris Wu is the school basketball leader.With just a sole mention of his name could make girls swoon and make boys flee away from his direction.He possess such an authority at this school.

Xi Luhan is the school football captain with cute girly babyface but still trying to act manly.The keyword being trying and he fails miserably every time.But after an incident which involved him punching a captain of other school's football team square in the jaw at one of the matches because he asked him to be his girlfriend,people don't question his masculinity anymore.Poor guy,he has been traumatizing until now.

Huang Zi Tao also known as Tao is the master of martial arts.The school very own Jacky Chan. Taekwondo , Judo , Kick boxing ,Muay Thai,Wushu you name it he mastered it.There's an additional information,he is still a baby so please understand when he is crying at particular situations like there Is a ghost attack or there is a tiny animal creeps on him or during a diaper change.

Next is Lay Zhang Yizing the youngest composer and song writer in the world.At the age of 12 he had composed several songs for some billboard singers.He is currently travelling to L.A for his new collaboration with Justin Bieber or is that Shawn Mendes?Gotta ask him when he returns.

Life at school wont be any fun without a school prankster.Just in this case,they don't get a prankster but they get two of the so called troubles.Let me introduce you to ChanBaek.Without them there will be nobody to set the cafeteria on fire or put snakes in the school swimming pool or make a fake suicide attempt that was there on the town newspapers' front pages for weeks.Did I mention about the explosion of melted cheese at chemical lab because that too.

Then we have Do Kyungsoo the evil nerd.No,he isn't some sick genius who uses his brain to rule the world even if he can do so with the amount of knowledge he possesses.However all I can say is you don't want to get on his bad side so behave.But those idiots he called friends couldn't get the hint.whatever.

The next in line are the the goody two shoes trio consist of xiumin,chen and suho.Xiumin is the oldest out of them and the sweetest considering he always looks out for other members(personally my type).Chen is a man of few word...... NAH I WAS JUST KIDDING!He can't find it in him to shut his mouth up and will occasionally involve with chanbaek in their antics.But he has a pure heart though.

Last but not least is Suho.Nothing much to say.You just need to know that he is rich.The rest of the members are super rich too but this guy...he is filthy rich.He is the leader not because of his wealth but out of trust.Yeah all of them do have faith in him.

If yall wanna yell at me coz I missed a member,yall can swallow it back coz I was just saving the best for last!

Here we go.Kim Jong In also known as kai slash the notorious bad boy.The one with stoic expression,cold personality and dangerous aura around him.Nobody messes with him,girls would die just to be with him and guys want to be like him.With dashing visual,athletic figure and his intelligence who doesn't want to associate with him?And what this bad boy does that grab attention the most?Well,he fights.

He fights for other people who has been bullied,humiliated or betrayed.And why he does that?

He has his own reason.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2016 ⏰

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