Chapter 1

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~Natsumi's POV~

Dear Diary ~

What am I doing with my life anymore? I hate how my parents treat me. I hate how the people in this awful world treat Sai. Why did they do this to me. I can't even go anywhere without my life being threatened by someone. I swear my collage is just a repeat of high school. My collage is more like an academy. I can't believe how bad they treat people here. I'm glad I have Sai and the people at the cafe. They are my true family not the people that I call mom and dad. I escape from the yelling and the hitting but never from the punishment for doggin. I wish I could run away, that's why I have the job at the cafe. Well until next time...

I look up at my clock to see I have an hour till class starts, luckily its Friday.

"Ugh" I say as I get up.

"Why do I have to go there."

I grab my books off my bed when I hear a knock on my door. More like a throat clear and a hand slamming on the door.

"Why don't you do something useful for once? You don't need to go to school or have that commoner job. You have a job with me if you just quit." my mother said disgusted with my presents.

I don't say anything. I know if I do I will be punished like always when I speak. When she walks away I hear her mumble something about me being an ungrateful child. I grab my school stuff, my phone and ear buds then run to the car. At least I didn't see my father.

~~~~ Time Skip to school~~~~

Luckily this is the only class I have today but the sad thing is the witch of the school is in my class and she loves to pick me as her target. As I sit down in the back of class like usual the devil, Vickanna Ruthman, herself walks in with her henchmen. I put my head down hoping she won't notice me but it doesn't work.

"Oh look the ugly duckling is here."

I keep my head down hoping she will leave me alone.

"Aww she's doing us all a favor by hiding her face. I hope she doesn't talk in this class to. Since we all know I am the smartest in this class." She spats while everyone snickers except a few people. I think they are just tired of her in general.

I keep my head down while they all remark on my clothes and my purple hair, and make fun of me for wearing glasses.

"Do you ever shut up?" A voice says.

I look up to meet the most beautiful man I have ever seen. His jet black hair, and bright green eyes had me in aww. Is this what love at first sight is like? He looks from Vickanna to me then back to her.

"Do you ever shut up?" he says forceful. She just stands there in shock.

"Why do you pick on her? Just because she is smart and answers the teachers questions, gets straight A's, is kinder than you will ever be, doesn't even have to come to class because she already knows what is going on. But she doesn't want to start anything. I'm not going to sit here while you pick on her. so you Vickanna Ruthman can leave with your entourage and stop acting like your better than her, because your not." he said staring at her with anger.

Did someone just stand up for me? I just look at him blinking really fast pinching my arm to make sure this is real.

"Did you just stand up for this ugly thing?" Vickanna says fuming.

" If by ugly thing you mean a beautiful girl who doesn't have to stand in front of a mirror for 2 hours to get ready, then yes. Since you aren't leaving, I think we will." he says walking over to me. He grabs my arm while I grab my stuff and we walk out of the room. We don't stop walking till we make it outside to the courtyard and sit on a bench.

"W-why are you d-doing th-this?" I ask.

"Because a down to earth girl like you doesn't deserve to be bullied. I see you just sit there and take it like you are used to being abused. I couldn't take it how she does that to you everyday." he says looking at me in the eyes.

With a little more confidence I look up at him and say," But you don't even know me."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2018 ⏰

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