Gatekeeper (First Version)

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Hello everyone! Below is the first version of this short story from a few years ago in case you were curious about it. I hope you will enjoy it!

'Twas a wet and cold day in what used to be sunny Los Angeles. Stingy rain splashed everything in its path even one black house. Inside, there was a little girl named Jane who was no older than twelve, sipping her ghastly hot coffee. It never rains here, she thought, also, this coffee tastes weird. I wonder if this is the coffee my mother said not to drink. Although this girl seemed like no harm, she was like the devil's best friend. Never treating others with respect, only with attitude.

"I am going out to buy some groceries," said her mother, "Be back in a few. "Ok, whatever," replied Jane. After a while, she got bored and decided to head down to the basement, where all of her mother's antique jewelry were stored. A few years ago, she broke one of her mother's glass earrings and was never allowed to go to the basement. But since her mother was not here, there was nobody to see her. She went down the dusty and creaking stairs until she reached the treasure-filled room. She started to look at the earrings and necklaces until she saw a silver mirror. She stared at her own reflection, hypnotized by her own eyes when suddenly, ghosts were popping out the mirror, left and right. They were floating in the air, laughing at one another, and flying through objects without a care in the world.

"Hello there little girl," said a loud and booming voice. "Ah!" she screamed. When she turned around, she saw a ghost wearing 18th century Victorian clothing. He also had a big, bushy mustache and a fancy cane. "Who are you, and don't ever call me a little girl," said Jane. "Whoa! Ok, maybe a little less attitude? My name is James and I died in 1906." "Ok, whatever," she replied, "My name is Jane. What are you ghosts doing here?" "Wow! A living soul that can understand me. Perhaps you are one of the gatekeepers," replied the man. "What's that? What do you mean I can understand you? You're the one who's talking," said Jane.

"Well," said the ghost, "It is not that simple." "You must be a gatekeeper, a person that is alive who can talk to, summon, and protect ghosts. Usually, ghosts are called through metal or glass objects such as gold or mirrors. In order to officially become a gatekeeper, you have to get approved by the Major." "Who is the Major?" asked Jane. "She is the ghost who deicides which gatekeeper can she can trust for all ghosts. If you impress her and do as you are told, you will be able to live up to 100 years-old! However, if you disobey her or do something wrong, you will be punished," said James. "What kind of punishment does she give?" asked Jane. "Well, it varies. Most of the time, bad gatekeepers are sent to the Madstone Grave Prison. However some gatekeepers had other forms of punishments," replied James. "What other forms of punishment?" asked Jane. James hesitated and was still for a long time. Finally, he said, "One gatekeeper's family went missing and another one was sent to the sun." Jane broke into laughter. "Sent to the sun? Hahaha! I hope one day I will be sent to the prison." "No! You mustn't say that!" exclaimed James.

Suddenly, a small parchment came blasting out of the mirror. James caught it and began to read. "Hello Jane. My name is Deloris Banker also known as the Major. Blah, blah blah, blah, blah blah." Jane didn't listen to a word James said. "You got that?" asked James. "Yes," said Jane, lying. "Well, ok then. I guess I'll see you later, I hope. Bye." "Whatever," said Jane. She went back upstairs into the bedroom and listened to music. She also checked her Snapchat status on her phone. After an hour or so, the setting suddenly changed. Instead of the bedroom, she was back in the basement face-to-face with a woman she had never seen before. "Who are you?" asked Jane, "And what are you doing here? Get out of my house!" The woman said "You didn't do as you were told. You didn't obey my orders. "What do you mean "orders"? You're not the boss of me!" "Well, as the Major, I am the boss of you. I wrote down that you are to get one key, one book, and another personal item that you want so that way you could have access to all ghosts. I also wrote down to meet me in the basement at 7 PM. Did you even listen to James?" "Well, he was quite boring," said Jane. Jane was able to get a better look at the Major. She had dark, glossy hair and eyes. She was wearing a dark red cape with burgundy lipstick and a burgundy skirt. She was also wearing a black blouse with black flats. "Well, I guess there's only one thing left to do," said the Major, "I know the perfect place to put you for eternity." All of a sudden, the walls of the room were closing in there was no staircase. "What's going on?" asked Jane, frightened. Her heart was beating faster than a running cheetah. "You're gonna be put into the Madstone Grave Prison," said the Major. Jane's heart was beating even faster. The Major took her arm and dragged her to the mirror. "No wait! Stop! Help!" said Jane screaming, "Help! Help! Help!" As soon as Jane was completely into the mirror, there was no sound in the house. No one is ever saw Jane again. Legend has it that she went to Madstone Grave Prison and you can still hear the beating of her heart there.

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