Chapter 11

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The sun has just begun to set when Steve Martin finally opens the front door. I lie curled up against the house, my vision blurred and my lips dry and crusty.

I don't look up at the approaching figure- I can't.

"Water," I manage to croak. Steve silently unchained me and lifts me up before carrying me back inside the house.

The blast of cold air sends shivers down my spine. He sets me down on the kitchen table, the cool surface burns my raw skin in an odd way.

I slump and stare at my toes as Steve grabs a water bottle from the fridge. He pours some into a cup before tilting my head back and slowly trickling some into my mouth.

Water has never felt so good. I snatch the cup from him and quickly drain the rest of the sweet liquid before thrusting it back into his hands, pleading for more. He obliges and when I've drained a second cup he once again
lifts me up and carries me upstairs.

He carries me into the bathroom connected to the room I was in earlier and sets me down, closing the door behind him. 

"Now Mary be a good girl and take off your clothes for me," he says gently.

Instead of obeying I wrap my arms across my sunburned chest.

"Mary..." he warns.

I shake my head. He sighs and pulls out the little remote to the collar. My heart speeds up but I refuse to give in.

He presses the button and I brace myself for the inevitable pain.

But it doesn't come.

The collar around my neck sparks a few times and grows hot.

"Shit! The heat fried the circuits!" Steve cries in frustration. I cry out in relief. He unlocks the collar and throws the smoking ring into the trashcan.

"Now I'll tell you once more. Take off your clothes. You're testing my patience."

I reluctantly turn around and unclip the bra, slipping it off of my arms and letting it fall to the floor before standing there frozen.

Suddenly Steve's fingers slip between the red lace panties and my skin and he rips them down to my ankles before roughly turning me to face him. 

I cross my arms over my exposed chest and hang my head in humiliation. This grown man is treating me like a toy.

"Ah ah ah, let me have a look at you," he raises my chin up and forces me to look him in the eye. He pulls my arms away from me and looks up and down my naked body.

"You've got a very nice body," he says casually. "No wonder you were going for such a high price."

I shift uncomfortably at his words. How does one respond to something like that?

"Alright," he says abruptly. "Into the bathtub. Get yourself cleaned up and get to bed. I'll lay some clothes out for you."

And with that he leaves, closing the bathroom door behind him.

Shocked by the sudden privacy, but appreciative all the same, I draw a cold bath and slip inside the tub, relishing the cool water against my burning skin. It soothes me immediately.

I make sure to get all of the sand out of my hair and wash the tear stains from my face before climbing out of the water and wrapping myself in a fluffy towel.

I open the door and, after making sure it's unoccupied, pad into the bedroom and sit down on the queen sized bed.

It's then that I realize that when Steve said "clothes" he meant lingerie. Slutty lingerie.

Disgusted, I pick the sheer, black lace, well honestly I don't know what to call it besides "not happening". (A/N its pictured at the beginning of the chapter).

But, finding nothing in the closet at all and sick of a damp towel wrapped around me, I put it on anyway.

It's the most uncomfortable thing I've ever worn. 

The tight straps attaching the top portion to the bottom dig into my skin. The bottom acts as a too-tight thong and gives me an inescapable wedgie while the top portion holds my breasts in a "sexy" manner while leaving my nipples in full display.

I'm disgusted by myself.

Picking a wedgie, I climb into bed and struggle to get comfortable in the suffocating garment before slipping into an uneasy sleep.


Hola mis amigos. Ojalá que le gusten mi libro.

^^ I hope you like my book thus far.

Sorry this seems kinda filler like. It should get better soon.

Sorry for the lack of updates for any of those who are tracking things like that.

I hope you all had a good holiday season.

Tell me what you think and don't forget to vote!

Happy Holidays,
The author (who else?)

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