who are you a diggy simmons love chapter 1

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TiNia POV I wake up and take a shower and put on some yellow booty shorts and a half a shirt that says fuck you bitch in big letters and put my nose ring in and my belly button ring in and my Jordans and went downstairs then my mom say
Nicki Minaj: TiNia I need you to go to the store
Me: why
Nicki Minaj: cause I say so
Me: okay
Nobody POV as TiNia left the house she went to the store and when she was walking she bump into someone then she say I am so sorry then the person say it's okay my name is Daniel but you can call me diggy then TiNia say my name is TiNia but you can call me Nia for short then Daniel say Nia I know we just met but I need a favor then TiNia say what is it then Daniel say I need you to be my fake girlfriend then TiNia say okay and I got a question then Daniel say what is that question then TiNia are you diggy simmons then Daniel say yes then TiNia say okay then Daniel say so you my fake girlfriend then TiNia say yeah

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