Part 1

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I would like to note this book is taking place in the middle of a Zombie Apocalypse….. And that I hope you enjoy and well Vote, Like ENJOY!  

I woke up and right away there and then I knew something was wrong I could feel the wrongness in the air.

The oddness and shiver that climbed up my spine and prickled my scalp told me that there was something deeply wrong.

I looked to my left then right nothing was wrong it looked like any other day normal as always.

“Guess I’m just being paranoid,” I muttered to myself and let it stay at that.

I got up from the warmness of my bed that was like another world protecting me and keeping me safe.

I opened the door and started off into the complete blackness of the kitchen.

I looked at the clock on the wall it wasn’t even ticking or moving in any way at all.

I got a very creepy and eerie feeling. That maybe I wasn’t being paranoid and something really was wrong.

“Mom, Dad, Ali,” I called into the darkness.

“Megan, Megan, Megan,” said a husky, whispery as a feather voice.

“Who’s there,” I asked the darkness and which I thought the voice was coming from but not even I knew.

“Megan,” the voice said more strongly taunting me.

Well to can play at this game, I thought, and then said, “Dude or whoever’s there screw off and come out.”

I walked into the living room and I saw Mom, Dad, and Ali lying in a pool of their blood on the floor.

I shrieked an ear splitting shriek.

Oh now I’m sure this murdering bastard won’t get you at all.

I heard a little creak like someone was coming up the stairs, but in the state of mood I was in anything was sure to scare me, because for all I know I hadn’t heard a thing.

But that didn’t stop me for what I did next, I gathered my pity with me and fled out the back door and ran down the driveway to my neighbor William’s house.

Their garage was open so I felt free to let myself in, and instead of knocking-like the bitch I was-I opened the door only to find William dead a few feet away.

I successfully stifled that scream and turned to my left and fled down the basement into William’s room of doom.

Will was a Vietnam War veteran and had a lot of guns.

I said a silent apology in my head and grabbed an Ak-47, a Glock 18, a .44 Magnum (.44), and a .38 Special (.38)-because there special.

I stuffed the .44, .18, and, .38, in the waist band of my pants and got some bullets- well actually a lot of bullets- and shoved that in my bra, because at the moment I had no hands to carry them with the big .47 in my hands.

Then I headed back upstairs and into the kitchen to find Elena-Will’s wife- also dead on the ground. Her purse was on the counter and I fished in her purse to find the keys, but while I was in her purse I took her wallet and cell phone out and shoved the 3 items a bit away from the purse; then dumped the remaining contents of the purse onto the floor. I turned my head just a tiny bit to see a big machete and I started rummaging through the kitchen drawers until I came across a butcher knife.

I put the keys, wallet, and phone into the purse and then I put the .38 and Glock 18 into the bag leaving the .44 in my waist band.

I put the butcher knife and machete into the purse also and fled the house.

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