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Yo what's up!

Idk. I'm tired and sleepy and hungry and bored, not really good combinations.

This chapter is going to be Liam's POV.

Happy reading.



I smiled at the last text Bella sent.

"Liam who you talking to?" Zayn asked coming and putting an arm around my shoulder.

I shook my head as if saying 'no one'

"Right because lately you've been smiling none stop at your phone?" Niall said munching on some crisp.

"What's her name?" Zayn said nudging me.

"It's uhm her names uhm her names uhm-Spit it out Leyumm!" Louis cut me of.

"Her name's Isabella but she goes by Bella." I said looking down and smiling.

Just the mention of her name has me feeling all bubbly and happy. I know I haven't met her in person but I can't help feeling this way, and no matter what anyone says I won't stop talking to her.

Is it too soon to call it love?

Waacha think?

Do any of you thinks it too soon to call it love?

Stay Strong💋

Love You My Little Pandicorns🐼


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