Coldemort Dreams

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This is just one I made for fun when I was bored during tech class. My friend, Lizzie, helped so shout-out to her :)


A parody of "Demons" by Imagine Dragons

Coldemort dreams

When the days are cold
And the mudbloods fold
And the saints we see
Are all me in gold

When Potter's dreams all fail
And the one we hail
Is me; king of all
And mudbloods run stale

I wanna hide the truth
That I'm a half-blood too
But with the snake inside
There's nowhere you can hide

I control what you breed
I am made of all greed
This is my kingdom now
This is my kingdom now

When you feel my cold
Look into my eyes
It's where my snakes all hide
It's where my snakes all hide
I'll bring you close
the dark mark hides
It's where death eaters hide
It's where death eaters hide

At the dark mark's call
It's the last of all
When the lights fade out
All my minions crawl

So they dug his grave
And the masquerade
Will come calling out
At the mess Snape made

Dumble's six feet under now
And I am hell bound
But I will never die
I will have eternal life

I control what you breed
I am made all of greed
This is my kingdom now
This is my kingdom now

When you feel my cold

Look into my eyes
It's where my snakes all hide
It's where my snakes all hide
I'll bring you close
The dark mark hides
It's where death eaters hide
It's where death eaters hide

They say it's what you love
I say it's what you hate
I've broken up my soul
I will never let go

Your eyes, they shine so bright
I wanna kill that light
I won't escape this now !
Even if you show me how !

When you feel my cold
Look into my eyes
It's where my snakes all hide
It's where my snakes all hide
I'll bring you close
to the dark side
Either join me or DIE! Either join me or die!

When you feel my cold
Look into my eyes
It's where my snakes all hide
It's where my snakes all hide
I'll bring you close
to the dark side
Either join me or DIE! Either join me or die!


A/N: Idk why but I especially like the "I will not let go" parts, they're so sad... Ignore me, I'm weird :) (and proud too)

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