Chapter 1: Return to Republic City

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A/N: I don't own anything except my OC's and the plot. If I did, Mako and Korra would be together.

Screams of fear and agony spread like wildfire inside the burning three story building. Nothing but smoke and fire consumes the big living space. Standing in the center, a 16 year old boy with thick black hair and frightened amber eyes observes his surroundings.

"Why am I here again, I escaped! Wait...where is Alani?!"

"Kiran? Babe wake up...Kiran!"

The said figure shoots up in his seat looking around frantically as sweat drips down his forehead. Slender arms rap around his neck loosely, instantly calming him. Her hands rub comforting circles behind his back through his hooded coat as he takes slow, deep breaths. It's been 3 years since Kiran and Alani escaped a child labor operation in the Fire Nation, 7 years since his mother, Avatar Korra was murdered and he was kidnapped. He wasn't even supposed to be taken, the initial target was his twin sister Karah.

But he volunteered to be taken instead and convinced them of his value. Despite being tortured and beaten throughout those years, he never regretted it. He'd do anything for his big sister and little brother Nilak.

He met Alani after 2 years of being there, which made being there tolerable. They grew close, protected each other from harm. There was a nice lady who was assigned to the two. She made sure Kiran and Alani were properly fed and dressed for work. She even discreetly slipped extra food for them. After their escape, they traveled around different parts of the world and eventually made it Republic City. They even visited The Fire Lady and traveled to the Western Air Temple.

"It's okay Kiran, were safe. Drak and his men are gone, he's not going to hurt us."

Kiran looks into her electric blue eyes as she whispers soothing words into his ear.

"It was just a nightmare...I'm okay...Alani's okay...we escaped. Everything's okay, I'm going to see my family again," thought Kiran as he looks through the window of the Satomobile, noticing their arrival in Republic City.

After grabbing their bags, they exit the vehicle and journey through the city. They were going to pose as fans of his sister to blend in with the crowd. Karah was the team captain of The Fire Ferrets, her reputation as team captain and the earthbender of the team spoke fondly by itself. Their uncle Bolin was the head coach. As soon as they make it to the shores, Kiran's eyes widen in surprise as he looks up, his muscles stiffen. Standing tall was a marble statue, the height and size similar to Avatar Aang's statue near Aang's Memorial Island. It stood near the left side of Pro-bending Area and resembled none other than his beloved mother, Avatar Korra.

Alani notices this, so she speaks up. "What was she never really said much about her?''

He turns to his girlfriend and smiles sadly at the thought of his late mother. He strokes the ruby colored scarf around his neck before he replies.

"She was the greatest mom you could ever have. She was kind and caring, but strict when she needed to be. She could be overprotective at times, especially when my siblings and I were being picked on.I gave her and my dad more of a hard time then my sister. I remember this time....." He stops suddenly after remembering the last fight he and his mom had, before she died.

Alani notices him pause, his body stiffens once again. She gives him a sympathetic look while stroking his bicep, waiting for him to continue.

Tears well up in his eyes as he speaks," The last fight we had...was before she died. She worked a lot you know, her Avatar duties. She didn't have enough time to spend with us anymore, with me...Dad worked a lot too, but he worked during the day so he could spend time with us in the evening. It got worse as we grew up. She tried so hard, but I didn't understand. I yelled at her and told her that I hated her. I didn't mean it though! I didn't want her to's my fault she's dead."

The Adventures of Kiran and Karah Part I: Earth, Fire, and Pro-BendingWhere stories live. Discover now