Chapter 3: Home Sweet Home Part II

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" know Kiran?"

Hiro's question breaks through the barrier of awkward silence between the two. After grabbing a bite to eat from the kitchen, they had moved towards the living room to get more comfortable. They were sitting on a soft and cozy blue couch made of seal fur and leather, one Korra's favorite furnished possessions. Family photos and portraits are scattered around the large room, above the entertainment center sits a somewhat large tv as the news adds a little sound to the silence of the background. Memories of happiness and love from the past shine bright through each picture.

Alani tentatively chews and swallows the flavored ramen in her mouth before answering his question, "Yep." She glances away from him and the awkward silence resumes. Its been like this for two hours, awkward glances and dead silence. From what he remembers, Hiro hasn't had much of an extremely awkward conversation since the first time he met Kotta.

In his opinion, she was the perfect match for him. Beautiful, smart, adventurous, and boy could she eat! And she even felt the same way about him. But to his and everyone else's dismay, she's been dating Zahn. What was so bad about him? He often crossed paths with Kiran when they were younger and he'd beat him up because of his large size and immaculate strength. And he bullied Karah, Kotta, and Hiro.

Not to mention that he was the egotistical, lying, jerk-faced fire-bender of their rivals: The Wolf Bats. And he was the notorious son of the President of the United Republic of Nations. But being the faithful and forgiving person that Kotta was, she gave him second chance despite what everyone thought about the issue. She also seemed happy with their six month relationship and her happiness was always Hiro's number one priority.

He takes a moment to analyse her uneasy and anxious appearance. Her worried electric blue eyes scan over the guest room door, her light mocha shaded hands tremble ferociously in anticipation. A thin layer of sweat ghosts over her forehead as she continues to stare at the door.

After building up enough courage to speak, he sighs.

"Look I know we don't know each other very well, which makes this extremely awkward and uncomfortable. But we both know Kiran and we both care about him. That's good enough for me to at least try to get to know the person who watched his back over the last 5 years, who took my place..."

She gazes back at the green-eyed non-bender, her once guarded eyes soften in sympathy. The sudden change lets him know that he's got her attention. She reaches for his hand and squeezes it in reassurance before replying, "I didn't replace you, I could never...your his best friend, like another brother. He talked about you a lot." He looks up at her, his eyes widen in shock and he stares at her for a moment before a sly smirk is shown on his slightly stubbled face.

"Oh really? Did he mention how incredibly charming and handsome I am?"

She scoffs in mock disgust before letting out a fit of giggles.

"Actually, it was more like this," she clears her throat before coming up with her best interpretation of the fire-bender. "If he'd just get his head out of his ass and go for her before its too late, she would already be his. I guess this contributes to the fact that he was the last name on puberty's hit-list!"

Her giggle fest intensifies when he frowns in mock hurt, he pouts while crossing his lean, muscular arms. "Hey! Its not my fault I'm a late bloomer, he's just jealous because he's not a ladies man like me!"

Alani scoffs, "Says the guy who's too chicken-shit to be with the girl he loves."

"I kissed her three years ago on her 15th birthday, she told me that the kiss was nice but she didn't want to risk our friendship. I agreed."

The Adventures of Kiran and Karah Part I: Earth, Fire, and Pro-BendingWhere stories live. Discover now