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Happiness is forever fleeting

We can try to grasp it as long as we want

but it finds a way to slip

through the cracks

like water through a broken vase

Still, we chase it.

Sometimes happiness is our only hope

our only way out of the dark


we search aimlessly for it,

as if it were burried treasure

and in many ways,

it is.

We dedicate our lives

to fully acheive

one of the most unacheivable things

in the world.


were looking for it the wrong way


it comes to us.

Like a moth to a flame


it sneaks upon us

when we least expect it.

All I know is this:

We cannot find happiness on top of the highest mountain

Or below the deepest sea

It resides in the little things

a smile,

a hug,

a home cooked meal,

the crakle of a fire.

So yes, happiness is fleeting

but so are we

my friend

so are we

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