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Pistons Child correction facilities are a government funded organization used as a correction for "Emo/Goth/Introvert" Teens ever since the suicide rate went up by 37% and School Shootings were happening every other week. People, Parents, and the government heavily blame the "Unstable" Teens. Since most of the trouble was caused by them. But they chose the most cruel method of fixation possible... Brain Washing. Or. At least that's what most assume. No one has ever seen the Pistoning process Except for workers, but they won't tell. Neither will the Pistoned kids. It's just a shushed lie staining our fabric of humanity. There are many conspiracies to try to wipe it away, But its so unexplainable. Kids come back almost like pieces of clockwork. They move in choppy motions, rarely blink, their bodies make odd sounds, they are overly polite, and much smarter than when they went in. Most assume they come back as a form of robot or cyborg. But thats impossible. This day in age, human and machines dont mix internally. Prosthetics are the closest machines that have come to entering the human body, besides medical equipment. Its just left off by many as just "corrected children". Nothing special. But That's just a few of the noted changes of Pistoned kids. It's depressing. Despite the Many Conspiracies. Pistoning your child is an Average thing parents send their kids to. Like summer camp. The kids who are pistoned are just noted by peers as "changed" and "better", that's how common it had become...

"Imagine; a world full of perfect children. Sound Phenomenal? here at P.I.S.T.O.N. (Pubescent Introvert Service Training Orientation Now) children corrective center, we make sure that your child is fixed up to act obedient, social, intelligent, and adequate to fulfill your needs. We believe we are the next step to a perfect world. Do the right thing and make the world a social place. Join us. it's just a call away." - Introductory page - Pistons Handbook for Correction

"Does you're child: rebel? talk back? act out of order? Act Depressed? Introvert him/herself? Self-harm? Fail Classes? Question Authority? question your religion? if you answered yes to any of these common questions, then you can qualify your little rebel for correction. The correction process can only be preformed from ages 12-17. And do not worry, your child we be provided food, shelter, friends, and numerous activities. We here at Pistons can deal with the worst of the worst. We just believe that all children whom disobey, deserve a good dose of discipline." - Page 2 - Pistons Handbook for Correction

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