Chapter Eleven

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It's been awhile since I last posted a chapter and for that, I'm sincerely sorry. :/ I hope you all like this one though!

[Third Person POV]

Battle: A Test of Ability!

"Yuu! Look out!" Midori had shouted as she used her right hand and summersaulted backwards, narrowly avoiding the strange shinobi's poison-coated kunai.

Yuu butted his left broken tusk at the oncoming attacker who was brandishing a katana madly towards him. The force he'd placed behind it had sent the man spiraling backwards into a large tree. Yuu looked over his shoulder at Midori---who was now facing another swordsmen with her own katana---and raced towards her. "Kid! Move!" he shouted as another man had leapt down behind her, ready to throw shuriken at her.

Midori quickly glanced over at Yuu as he trotted in her direction and nodded. "Right!" she said as she ducked underneath the man's blade as she'd removed her own from fending off his. "Aoi!" Midori helplessly called out as she ran towards her, she'd reached into her right thigh's weapons' pouch, pulling out three shuriken, she placed them between her fingers, brought her hand over and flung them---one had missed and flew into a nearby tree while the other two had hit their target in his side.

"Thanks, Midori!" Aoi said as she did a back hand spring and kicked her left foot up at the man coming at her with two chakra blades on his knuckles, knocking his chin upwards, he fell on his back with a hard thud.

"You're," Midori paused as she swiveled with her left foot and did a bit of a twirl, dodging the man's sloppy punch. "Welcome!" she grunted as she threw a kick at the man's stomach, only for him to grab hold of her ankle.

"Not on my watch, you fool!" snorted Yuu as he'd rammed into the man, causing him to release Midori, dropping her to the ground.

"Ah heh," she laughed as she stood to her feet and dusted herself back off.

These attackers didn't wear forehead protectors, they held some skill in each area of: Kenjutsu, Taijutsu, and Ninjutsu. There were only five, but they had still made for an impressive challenge against the trio.

Aoi unsheathed her sai and held it in a defensive position as she slowly treaded backwards, away from the green-haired man walking murderously towards her. "What's the matter? Are you afraid of me, little girl?" he asked with a psychotic grin.

Aoi smirked and shook her head. "As if I'd have a reason to be afraid of you?" she giggled. "Maybe you should learn to watch your back." As her words had left her lips, the man had been run through by Yuu and knocked back three and a half meters. "Much appreciated." she gruffly said as she turned around and noticed that all but one enemy had been defeated---unable to battle any further---and it was the one who'd disappeared at their first encounter with these strange men. "Oi! Midori, you needing any help?" Aoi asked with a raised eyebrow, wiping away a stray strand of hair that had blown into the corner of her mouth.

The blonde shared a glance with the ravenette, determination in her green orbs. "No, I'll handle this one." She smirked and looked back at the oncoming man.

"That arrogance will someday bring about your death if you aren't cautious of your comrades." Yuu had warned as he grunted and stared on as the man walked toward Midori, unsheathing his exceptionally long bamboo-hilted katana.

Taking this as a signal for a battle of the blades, the blonde unsheathed her own."Yuu, as long as I watch my back, I should be fine; don't worry." she said as she sent a wink back at the large boar and brought her katana into a defensive position. Midori's eyes filled with flaming determination as she said, "Besides, he's only one opponent standing in my way of getting me a piping hot bowl of steamed veggies and barbecue; as if I'd let someone take an opportunity so precious to me, away!"

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