The Rockstar

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The Rockstar

The lights were bright, the air was heavy, and girls were going crazy everywhere.


Well you see there is only one thing that enters the female brain, and makes it turn to mush resulting in wild erotic behavior. That one thing simple conist of a male with a smoking hot body, and a sexy as hell voice.

That's right I was at a rock concert. Well sorta....I was snuck in by my older brother.

Girls were going crazy everywhere and I was suddenly finding out why.

His name?

Blaine Skylar

He was one sexy piece of man. His dirty blonde hair was styled to messy perfection, his emerald eyes were a blaze, and his clothes hung to his body like a moth to a flame.

But you see it didn't stop there the male definition of a sex fantasy, had the most amazing voice I'd ever heard.

I guess that's what gave me with balls to actually make my way back stage to his dressing room.

I guess I should explain...My older brother works for the local radio station and he gets to interview all the artist, and gets to go to their concerts for free.

Anyways....My heart was thumping a hundred miles a minute when I heard his voice approaching.

My plan was to sneak in and sneak out without being seen. I guess that's not going to be the case...

"Hello there, what do we have here?" Blaine asked. He looked at with a mischievous grin.

"I'm so sorry, I was looking for the bathroom, and this is defiantly not it," I stated trying to put my bleach blonde hair to use.

"Bathroom huh?" He questioned like he really wasn't buying it. "This didn't have anything to with you trying to seduce me?"

I gulped.

He said seduce. What I would give to be able to seduce this man. I mean he opens his mouth my thighs tingle.

"You see, I think that whole bathroom bit was just your cover, for what you really want," he stated walking toward me.

In a matter of minutes I was backed against the wall, my body pressed against his.

"Looks like you have no where to run, Babe," he stated smirking.

His smirk flipped my lid of sanity. I was a goner. I felt the heat rising from below, and I knew that this man had a real effect on me.

My mind was full of fantasies I had only dreamed of, and all of them paled in comparison to what was happening right now. I mean Blaine's crotch was literally pressing into my stomach.

I really want this man right now.

I felt his lips glide across my lips very softly, and suddenly I was begging for more. Like it was air.

My lips attacked his and our tongues danced, and it was haven. I couldn't believe I was making out with Blaine Skylar right now.

His hands went to my waist then squeezed my ass. I moaned and I thought I heard him growl. He sucked on my neck causing my eyes to roll back in my head.

I didn't know what he was doing to me, but all I knew was I didn't want him to stop.

He pulled away from me, and he drug me to the couch. From there me made out again. Though I can't say that our clothes were to be accounted for.

He pulled my tank or my head slowly, teasing me. So I did the same to him. He grew aggravated and finally removed his shirt himself, then he removed his jeans, causing my butterflies to rise in my stomach. I let him remove my shorts, and I have to say it was extremely sexy when he unzipped them with his teeth.

Just the thought of him down there made me tremble with excitement.

He sucked on my neck then down to breast earning a sigh from my gasping lips. I thought I heard him chuckle, which was the sexiest chuckled I'd ever heard.

Not much was it that all of our clothes were missing and I felt his member pressing against my thighs. It was only then that I realized what was about to happen.....

I was going to lose my virginity to a rockstar.

How many girls get to say that?

All of a sudden I felt him trust inside me. I bit my lip to stop my cries. I guess he thought this was something I was accustomed to...

Boy was he in for a surprise.

It hurt for about three seconds and then pain was covered by bliss, let's just say I felt like a freaking rockstar.

We were so in sync, we were high and down, then high and down again.

I didn't really know how to explain it, all I knew is I didn't wan it to stop...

By the time we were thru though we were a sweating mess. We just laid against each other not wanting to move...

It was pretty awkward cause I realized he didn't know my name....

"So what's your name?" He asked laying beneath me. I felt the vibrations from his chest against my head.

"Melody," I stated.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2013 ⏰

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