Chapter 1

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"Cmon dad, we need to get this truck done before the next hunt".

I said to my dad while he sat there drinking a beer.
He didn't answer.

"Bobby Singer"!

I yelled at him.


My dad looked startled, and almost dropped his beer.

"Did you not hear me"?

He shook his head.

"You said we were going to fix my truck before the next hunt".

He face palmed himself.
(Truck is the image)

"Son of a bitch, sorry Ethan, I forgot".

I rolled my eyes.

"Let's get it done now then".

Dad and I went outside to fix the truck.
He built some hidden spots and put traps on different parts of it.
Once we finished Grace came back.

"I bought food and drinks for the ride".

I opened the back as she slid 2 coolers in beside the other 2 I've place in there.
Dad helped set the cover on the back.

"I'll go inside and get you your duffle bags".

He went inside leaving Grace and I outside.

"I found something in dads books".

I turned to look at her.

"Like what"?

She took out the notebook.
It was dads.

"It has all of the supernatural in here".

I grabbed it from her.
It was filled with notes he made, some didn't look like his own writing.
Something caught my eye on one of the pages.


I looked up at Grace.

"Who's J.W"?

It took me a second to realize, we only know one J.W.

"John Winchester".

I said with another voice behind us.
It was Dad.

"Grace. You should know not to snoop".

He walked over to us.
He handed us more books.

"These books will help you learn more".

He handed me a smaller book.


I looked at him.

"People who you can call for help, and the other numbers I use for stuff like the FBI".

I skimmed through the book.
He set the duffle bags in the back of my truck.
He grabbed a small duffle bag.

"This has different IDs you will be using to get into places".

I nodded and put the small bag in the glove box.
Dad handed me my keys and a card holder.

"Some cards for you to buy things".

I put it in the pocket of my leather jacket.
Grace and I hugged dad.

"Be safe you two".

He hugged us back.

"When aren't we careful"?

Dad and I looked at Grace.

"Not answering that".

Dad and I said at the same time.
We let go of each other and headed towards my truck.

"Make sure to call me if anything gets worse".

We nodded as we got in.

"We will dad, don't worry".

He smiled at us as we drove away.
As we drove Grace was reading dads contact book.
She looked confused.

"What's with the face"?

We stopped at a stop sign and she showed me the book.

"S.W and D.W"?

Is what I could see she was pointing at.

"Could it be Sam and Dean"?

We pretty much figured it was, the notes he wrote about and to them in the book.

"Wow, haven't seen them in years".

Grace said while putting the book in her bag.

"Yeah, and it would be pretty awkward seeing them now since I've transitioned".

Yes, I am transgender.
Female to Male.
No need to get into that story but there are a few details.
I was a girl when we first met the boys.
A year after they left, I've come out as trans and made the decision to change.
So enough about me.

"They'd be surprised".

Grace said as I continued driving.

"Probably since I was a female when we met".

I exaggerated.
The first hunt is a salt and burn.
So it will take a few hours to drive.

"I looked for a motel and booked a room".

Grace shut her laptop.

"Look who's on the ball today".

We both smiled and drove to the motel.

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