Chapter 1

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I opened my eyes. Why was everything so bright? I heard voices around me and beeping. The beeping was annoying. I looked at the people sitting around me. There was a boy I didn't know. I immediately tried to back farther in the hospital bed I was laying in.

"Elaine , thank God, are you ok?" A sweet looking boy with blond and light brown hair asked. I just stared at him. He grew concerned when I didn't respond. He called for a nurse. I just continued to stare at him. The nurse walked in.

"Hello Elaine. I'm glad you're awake. Does anything hurt?"

I just kept staring at the boy, not even looking at the nurse. He took my cold hand in his.

"She won't talk or anything. Is anything wrong?" He was really concerned.

"We did some tests when she was asleep, she should be fine. I'm going to go call a doctor." The nurse hurried off.

"Elaine, please talk to me. I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have let you leave." He looked tired.

"Hello, Elaine. I hear you're being a bit shy. Tell me: does your throat hurt?" He started scribbling on his clipboard.

"Who are you?" I asked

The doctor didn't even look up from his clipboard. "I'm Dr. Steven."

But I wasn't looking at him, I was asking the boy sitting beside my hospital bed.

His eyes widened with alarm, but he answered evenly.

"I'm Logan, your boyfriend."

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