Chapter 2

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It was dark, and I was walking down the road near my house. The road was on my right, and a small river ran on my left. I was just walking. I like to go on walks to clear my head and relieve stress.

Two bright lights swerved around the corner, narrowly missing me. Frightened, I backed up and slipped in the dirt, tumbling towards the river. I tried to slow my fall but it was no use. My head hit something hard and I before I blacked out I watched the bubbles swirl slowly up towards the surface of the river.

And that was it. All I have from my life before the accident.

The doctor tells me that a drunk driver had almost hit me, and that I was lucky. Logan's mom, who apparently lives right across from there, saw me fall and called for help. Logan had jumped in and dragged me out. The doctor says I'm lucky the car didn't hit me. I said I don't know my last name. That shut him up quick.

Logan has been filling me in about my old life. What I like, hate. He hasn't left my side. I can see why I loved, well love him. He's cute, sweet, and protective. I think he knows how much I hate the hospital. I try to hide it but I'm getting really bored. I'm sick of all the tests and everything. I just want to go home.

Eventually, my wish is granted five days after I woke up. Logan brings me home. I immediately love his car. It's an old rusty red pickup truck. A memory surfaces, but disappers. Just out of my reach. I hit myself on the leg out of frustration. Logan raises an eyebrow but doesn't say anything.

We walk across the parking lot to the truck. He opens the door for me and I leap in. I watched his blond and light brown hair get pushed back from his face from the wind as he ran around the truck. Logan opened his door and got inside. He turned the key in the ignition. The truck sputtered to life and he pulled out of the parking lot.

"You forgot your seat belt, Elaine." He pointed.

"Oh oops." I blushed at my stupidity. I should've remembered something as important as that!

"What's your favorite color?" He quizzed me. We did stuff like this all the time. He would ask me my address, phone number. The doctor said it would help me get my memory back.

"Uh, rainbow." I smiled, proud of myself. I liked all colors, so I always replied with rainbow. But apparently I'm partial to neon colors too. Logan grinned.

Eventually we pulled up to what was his house. I would be staying with him and his mom since my dad was "too busy" because of his job. It's hazy, but I remember this about my dad. Always working.

Logan stopped the truck in the driveway and let himself out. He came around to my side and opened the door. He took my hand and we walked to the red front door. Logan opened it and we stepped inside.

It was a regular sized house. It was neat but very homely. Next to the door was a pair of red converse.

"Oh wow! Those are my shoes! I remember!" I laughed.

"Yeah you left them the last time you were here!" His eyes sparkled. It was the first time I'd remembered something without a prompt. We put our hands on each others shoulders and jumped up and down, laughing in delight.

I plopped down on the floor and took my flats off. I pulled the right converse on, tied it, and then pulled the left on and tied it. I went back to the right and added a knot. Then I went back to the left and added a knot. I looked up at Logan. He was watching me curiously.

"You always tied up your shoes like that" He whispered. He helped me up and kissed me on the forehead. "Let's see what we can do for dinner."

After a delicious dinner of toast and peanut butter we snuggled on the couch watching some movie that he had rented. I fell asleep in his arms, it was the best I had felt since I woke up.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2012 ⏰

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