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Fluorescent lights
watching us, making
sure we do the
Harpies overhead,
bear down on us
if so much work is missed.

Humming computers
laugh at all the jokes
that we make
While the mice
shake in their beds

Rustling of leaves
turn over as one
is filled. No more
to be put there.

Projectors act
like spotlights
Don't want us
to escape now.
Windows barred,
doors locked.
All seems lost.

Clock ticking down
the judgement of
Paris as we sit
in this cell. No
where to go.

At last hope is
found when the
chime sets in.
Freedom is ours
only to be caged

Tho word of the
Lord tells us to
mind our P's and
Q's. So much was
lost that day.

Too many eyes look
down, their red gaze
freezing the blood
in my veins.

Pokemon games
need to be
Gaining new friends
in a school yard
over the hill.
Need it still.

Paris's pleas of
mercy seem deaf
on the ears of Zeus.
No one to help.
No place to go.

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