Chapter One

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"Come now, little robin. Don't cry. What's the matter? You've been fed, changed, burped, what's wrong?"

It had only been five days since Kanato brought his daughter home from the hospital. For that entire time, she had never ceased in her screaming.

"She's got lungs like her father!" Subaru complained one evening when Kanato was walking her around the living room.

Kanato froze then, going oddly still as he rounded in his youngest brother.

"Shut up! She's just a baby! They cry because they can't speak and that was all you did your first few days anyway!" Kanato raised his voice to be heard over his daughter's crying and Shuu sighed before walking over to his purple haired brother who looked to be on the edge of a breakdown.

"Try singing to her." He said.

Everyone froze and Kanato looked down at his squalling daughter.

"It might just work. Rachel sang to her a lot when she was pregnant." Reji spoke up.

Kanato nodded and sat down, cradling his little girl to his chest as he took a breath and began to sing.

"Are you going to Scarborough Fair
Parsley Sage Rosemary and Thyme
Remember me to one who lives there
She was once a true love of mine."

Laito smiled when Dinah's cries began to abate and everyone seemed a little more at peace with Kanato's melody ringing in the air.

"Tell her to make me a cambric shirt
Parsley sage rosemary and thyme
Without no seams nor needlework
Then she'll be a true love of mine."

For the first time since she took her first breath, Dinah was silent.

She stared up at her father, and reached one hand up, large gray eyes looking up him with a wide grin on her chubby face.

Kanato's lips quirked into a smile and he pressed his cool lips to her forehead.

"There we go now. All better?" He asked.

Dinah giggled softly and blew a raspberry, which sent her father into a set of giggles as well.

Ayato rolled his eyes in a well-meaning way. "Like father, like daughter."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2017 ⏰

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