Part 2

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Our plans for the evening were waylaid by the show running late due to a freak thunderstorm that tore through the area and took out the power for several hours. The band had refused to reschedule, even though the schedule was tight. The arena management had been kind enough to let the fans who were already at the arena inside so none of them would be outside when the storm hit. If they hadn't, I'd have gone and insisted on it. I'd seen more than my share of lightning strike victims when I first began working as a nurse and didn't want to see any more.

Thankfully the power came back on, only delaying the start by forty-five minutes. The band ran through the world's fastest sound check, praying that the pyro would go off as planned. I knew Till was frustrated by everything that had happened; I touched him through the bond and settled him as best I could, not wanting him to head out there and get himself or everyone else hurt in his uncertain temper. He shot me a look across the room and smiled wanly.

::I hate this:: he murmured to me privately.

::I know sweetie. You be careful, okay? I know you're upset but be careful, okay?: I said.

::Yes, Mutti. You'd better go see what Reesh is up to, I can feel him grousing all the way over here---thankfully he's outside somewhere or I'd have to smack him. Funny thing how the change killed his nicotine addiction. Well, in all of us.::

I nodded my thanks to Till then went looking for Richard. It didn't take long; following our soul-deep link, I found him standing on a tiny balcony of sorts at the back of the arena. He was dressed in his costume, ready to go, with his in-ear monitors dangling around his neck. The dusk to dawn light over his head made his hair shimmer, the blue highlights stark and bright. I stopped to admire him, black leather and silver studs contrasting with his bright red, silk gauntlets pulled nearly to his shoulder, black vest clinging to his chest and the silver buttons shining in the dim light. He was leaning on the low railing that went around the balcony, looking into the night, and when I wolf-whistled softly at him, he turned around, a big smile on his face. Beckoning to me, I went to his side and settled under his arm, resting my head against his chest.

"Show starts in about twenty minutes," I said quietly. "And we're running late on top of that."

"Yeah, but we're not going to let these people down. They're getting the entire show, come hell or high water," Richard replied just as softly. "I needed a few quiet moments to myself. This was the only place I could find that wasn't already occupied or within shouting distance of the fans."

We stood together for a few moments, then Richard turned me around in his arms. I didn't have to be a telepath to know what he wanted; I locked my arms around his waist and lifted my face for his kiss. Kissing Richard was nothing like kissing any of the few men I'd kissed before, and that was before the viruses we'd been injected with did their work. Now I could feel everything he did, hear his thoughts, as he could with me. While it was irritating at times, especially since we were all fumbling through learning how to stay out of each other's heads, right now the world could have ended and I wouldn't have cared. My back met the low railing, my black polo shirt growing wet from the rain-soaked metal. I pushed everything away save the touch of our lips, the heat between us, the scents of leather, rain-wet pavement, whatever Richard used in his hair to make it spike up so wildly, and the perfume he'd given me as a gift a few days earlier. It was close to what he wore, only mine had more vanilla and sugar in it.

"Uh, guys? I don't mean to interrupt..." came Ollie's voice from somewhere behind us. Richard made a growling sound, deep in his throat and said, "Oliver Riedel, I could kill you right now. But I love you, so I won't."

Right Here Waiting-Book 2 Of The Mad Mad World SeriesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat