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(Not edited)

Just when you think things are about to get better, they get ten times worse. I had a feeling this was going to happen though. I been thinking about all morning

I kept telling myself 'nah you're just over thinking things' but I see now that I wasn't.

As soon as I felt the back of our car get hit I knew something was up, because they didn't just hit us once. They did that shit three times.

Mia's in the back seat screaming like crazy while Raymond is using his body to shield her. Genesis is trying to keep the car under control, trying not to crash into anything and me. I was searching in my suitcase for my gun. I knew this was going to come in handy.

"Relax Euphemia, everything is going to be okay. Just calm down baby girl" I assured her, everything was happening so fast my mind just couldn't grasp it all. How could this shit escalade that fast when we barely just left the house not even an hour ago.

I opened the sun roof and with me being so skinny I was able to slip my body through. My knee was in so much pain but I had to let it go for the moment.

I got a good look at the driver but it wasn't her pops, instead it was her brother. With Genesis driving wrecklessly I couldn't get a good aim.

"You ain't got the balls to pull that trigger!" Her brother yelled from his car. He sped up hitting the back of us again but this time another car drove into the front of us.

Other cars were smashing their breaks trying not to hit us or each other as the collision was happening. The gun flew out of my hand as my body jerked forward. My legs were in so much pain. I let out a loud yell. I couldn't even move, tears were rolling down My face.

Mia's screams has stopped my heart started racing, hoping that no one was hurt but judging by the pain in my legs we were hit hard.

The pain was so bad that I couldn't even handle it anymore. I couldn't keep my eyes open as I started to feel weak. I knew I lost blood and a lot of it too. Not being able to take any more of it I slowly closed my eyes, but not before I noticed Mia's brother walking towards the back of this car.

"G..get away. Get away from her!" I yelled what seemed to be my last breath before I felt dizzy and passed out.


When I opened my eyes Euphemia's body was still under mine. I was only out for what seemed like 5 minutes. I looked around seeing Keith's legs bent like pretzels and Genesis either knocked out or dead. I didn't see her chest rising up and down so I knew she was gone. Blood covered her arms as pieces of class was stuck in her skin. I felt like I was in the movies or some shit. But this wasn't a movie at all.

This was real fucking life.

I almost felt like crying but I couldn't. I promised that I'd help take care of Euphemia and I will.

Some dude tried to open the back door but it wouldn't budge due to it being smashed up. I knew it had to be her brother cause he kept yelling 'Come out of there babysis'

In the seat next to me was a pistol. I was tired of hearing that annoying motherfuckers mouth so I aimed the gun towards the window
Pulling the trigger about five times, I shot him dead.

"Euphemia wake up, c'mon you gotta get up" I shook her. She blinked her dark brown eyes a few times before quickly looking up. She screamed at the sight in front of her.

An ambulance could be heard a few miles away, we had to hurry up and get outta here because I just killed someone even though it was self defense it was still an unauthorized use of a weapon and I wasn't trying to catch no case.

"We gotta get outta here" I tell her while trying to kick the back door open. It's like it was glued shut or some shit

"What you mean we gotta get outta here. What about Genesis and Keith. We can't just leave them here" Euphemia whined I really wasn't trying to hear all that right now.

"The ambulance will take care of them. But me and you gotta fucking go" I barked managing to get the door open

"No! I'm n-" I cut her off

"listen to me damn it! We have to go now. I see why yo pops put his hands on you. You so damn hard headed"

I didn't mean to say it but she was pissing me off. Her eyes were now gloss with tears but I didn't have time to apologize to her. I grabbed her arm and rushed out of the car.

We started running not knowing where the hell we were going. We were just following our legs.

I knew I shouldn't have left my bestfriend but what the fuck else could I have done, I'm sure he'll understand whenever I talk to him again.

Seeing his legs bent like that made me cringe. I didn't even know our bones were even capable of bending in such ways but now I do.

Instead of driving we were now about to take the bus to California. Which was $236.50. expensive as hell but luckily I had the money on me.


Next update will be longer. Stay tuned

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