Rat Poison

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And there she was

On the bathroom floor 

There was a small hole in the front of her head...

And a very large hole in the back. 

Her brains were slowly climbing down the wall behind her.

Her legs were splayed open and her dress was pulled up.

Her fractured skin was ripped and bleeding. 

Bone protruding at unnatural angles

She looked as though she was still screaming,

Her throat was full of cockroach eggs,

And there was only the insecent burn of high-wire lines  

Blistering his lungs with cancer 

Panties tight around her neck

Hair, a matted bloody mess

She watched me with milky white eyes and listened with dead ears.

I told her about the mailman who looks 

Like a weasel and quietly fantasizes 

About pushing his letter opener into my spine

I told her about our president,

Possessed by the devil and a lust for dead boys.

I ate a snickers for lunch

That was full of razorblades

And washed it down with contamination and tap water 

It's slowly eating my insides

Cell by cell I left her, and her memories 

There on the bathroom tile

And went into the living room and turned on the T.V.

And in the blue fluorescent light of God 

We're dead

The locust swarm from mouths that sing 


The shotgun's warm,

The room is red

The sky is always gray

And underneath 

The godless gray

A billion corpses pray

"There's enough rat poision for us all..."

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