Chapter 20

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The next day, Lily shows the others the secret room.
"WOAH." Tyler gasps. "This cooler than the other secret room."
"This House has too many hidden things." Lily laughs.
"There's a recording." Jamal points out when he sees a record player.
Tommy plays it.
'This is Robert Smythe. I'm leaving this message because I'm about to be killed. And they're going to keep my body restored for 100 years until they reawaken me. But when they do, I'll be evil. So I need to tell you my plan and what to do : When I'm evil, I will need 5 people to turn evil. One by one. Then, the god Hades will come to Earth and destroy the world. The end of the world will come. In order to stop it, you have to find the Staff of Athena. There are artifacts to it hidden on the Harwood campus. I have faith. Good luck."
A different and more recent recording starts.
"It happened. I have been reawakened and I'm now evil. And I love it. I already have 2 people I turned evil, they go by the names of Victor and Mr. Sweet. Now I need 3 more. But they have to be young souls. So I'll just take a Hades House student tonight. Just give up, whoever's listening to this. I already won."
Tommy scans the record player with his powers. "That last recording was recorded 2 days ago, so Robert already turned someone evil. And it's one of the Hades House students."
"But which one?" Lily asks.
Later, the evil student visits Robert at Apollo House.
"They're onto us." The student says. "They know about the 5 evil people and your plan. But they don't know I'm evil."
"Good." Robert smiles. "They don't stand a chance against me. Not when I have you as a double agent. I'm glad you're with us now, Elayna."
Elayna smirks while her eyes glow red.

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