Chapter One

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THE CHAMBER resembles a burning furnace in that it is blistering hot, to the point its inhabitants are sweating profusely, fighting the onset of nausea as to not deter them from their chores.

There are seventy women situated in the vast laundry room, split into multiple large groups in accordance of their jobs. Some are mercilessly placed beside the cool cavernous lake, washing fine linens and textiles on metal boards. Another division sits betwixt rolls of cloths and beads, repairing and creating intricate ensembles for their masters. There are also the women that tan recently skinned fur pelts off to one side, the women that polish leather at another, the women that dye cottons at one corner, and many more spread across the stone floors.

They all work quietly and diligently, focusing on their tasks at hands so that they may not be punished.

All but Deirdre of course, who hums a lullaby to herself as she works a needle around a shimmering flake of gold.

Deirdre is the youngest within this particular chamber, having turned ten and nine just a few days ago. Because she is a slave, there were no celebrations or feasts honoring her birth date, though her fellow servants did try to make the most of things by preparing her a small cake and showering her with hugs and kisses.

Deirdre, a kind and humble girl, had been overjoyed. Until now, she beams with happiness, the taste of the sweet milky chocolate, - a dessert forbidden to slaves, - still palpable on her tongue.

No one had the heart to order her silence. Besides, they quite enjoyed the sound of her soothing voice, it gave them a mental reprieve from their tedious day to day labours. So other than the sound of water, menial tasks, and shushed humming, the laundry room is quiet.

"Very pretty," Elspeth comments, her aging features scrutinize the strip of cloth Deirdre cradles in her dainty hands. It was a sheer beige-tinted fabric, meticulously adorned with gold shavings. The patterns were done expertly under precise hands, the symmetry reaching a level of perfection. "Very regal, it'll be a jewel once finished."

Deirdre criticizes her work, brows furrowed in thought, "You think so?"

"I know so."

Elspeth has taken care of the young maiden since she first arrived to the mountains, still a child at six years old. With no parents or siblings, she had grown to fill the role of a mother, a close confidant and friend. Elspeth always knew the sweet child was meant for greater things, with raw talent and artistic capabilities. As Deirdre grew older, others began to notice, landing her a formidable title as royal seamstress, and sometimes, a banquet singer. There is no doubt her future is bright. It certainly helps that Deirdre is beautiful, a sought out companion amongst the knights and workers.

The dress, alike all the ones that came before it, is sure to be exquisite.

"It has to be finished anon, or else Lady Sapphira will have nothing to wear to her anniversary," Deirdre giggles, her eyes trained onto the miniscule threads. "At the same time, I can't rush the stitching. I heard this will be her biggest ball yet."

"From who?" Elspeth amuses her, continuing her work on repairing a ripped pair of trousers.

"... Fraser..."

Elspeth glances at the young girl in exasperation, noticing the sheepish look on her face. "That boy brings nothing but trouble," she scolds her, and the other women at her station nod their heads in agreement, "I thought I told you to stay clear of him, you two make the most destructive pair in this entire mountain."

Deirdre huffs, pouting because she knows it's true, "Well I can't help that he follows me around constantly. He has a lot of free time on his hands and doesn't seem to know what to do with it." But pester and tease the pretty maiden. Elspeth knew it would be difficult to keep the two of them separated ever since they met as children. Other than wreaking havoc everywhere they go, they also make it a life's mission to turn all of Elspeth's chestnut locks into a dull grey. Elspeth worries that one day one of their mischievous adventures will bring the death of her. But it was futile to keep them apart, though she will continue to try.

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