Chapter 10

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Seoyeon's POV

Arghh 2 days left... Tomorrow's the prom and I'm still not ready to tell Taehyung about my feelings about him yet..Ottoke??

" Seoyeon since tomorrow's the prom wanna go to the salon to make ourselves beautiful for tomorrow?" Yunseo asked and I nodded..


After going to the salon we went home so we could get our beauty rest when suddenly someone texted me, I checked my phone and a smile appeared on my face

' Hey what are you up to?' - Jimin

' Bored' - Me

' Guess you probably knew why Yunseo dragged you home so early right?' - Jimin

' Hahaha yes.. And they're so perverted ' -Me

'Anyways wanna hangout ? Like you and Yunseo get back here and just tell them to forget what the heck they're thinking' -Jimin

' haha sure Mr.Charisma boy' - Me

' XD guess I'll think of something to call you too!' -Jimin

' Ha.ha try me ' - Me

' You'll see * wink wink*' -Jimin

' I'm so fluttered >.>' - Me

' Hahaha see you later' -Jimin

' Yeah see you' - Me

I closed my phone and went to talk to Yunseo

" Yah! It's still early and Jimin asked me if we want to go back and hangout with them" I said

" Ehnmm" She awkwardly said

" Come one just forget about what happened or what you guys thought back then" I said

" And besides you can hangout with Taehyung if you want, just don't go overboard like what we saw a few minutes ago" I said and she turned red and nodded shyly

" KAJA!" I pulled her hand and we ran until we reach the boys dorm


I pressed the doorbell and Jimin opened the door flashing me his cheeky smile

" Welcome back~!'' He sang and I giggled

Yunseo fake coughed " Move you love doves I'm still here" She said jokingly

Me and Jimin laughed " Like what we saw a few minutes ago?" I smirked at Yunseo

" Arraso you guys win " She said then went inside and went to find Taehyung

I looked around

" Soooo.. Where are the others?" I asked

" J-Hope hyung is in the dance studio, Maknae in school, Suga and Namjoon hyung in the recording studio and Jin hyung went with manager hyung to help him with something... And Taehyung inside the gaming room, he seems stressed.." Jimin said and I nodded slowly

" Well Yunseo's here" I said and sat down on the sofa

" Yah! Make some space for me " he pouted and I chuckled

I move away and he sat down beside me..

" So.. What do you want to do?" I asked him and he shrugged his shoulders

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