chapter 20

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Madison POV
We are in the car on the way to the church my daughter's are happy that there going to be in the wedding  my son are with there dad in the car there in and they better be there before I make it  because Niall can not see me before the wedding .I'm  nervous but I know that when I see him that will all go away and then we'll all be the only thing that matters becoming his wife

Dana - just thinking that a girl is only a matter of an hour or so and you're going to be mrs. Niall Horan

Madison - yeah and I cannot wait

I smile that my daughter is all done up in their dresses I gotta say I love the fact that they're willing to do this for me because one of them is a tomboy and she hates wearing dresses but she said where's my wedding will do it for me got to love her .they both can not stop bouncing in their seats I think they're very excited for me

Madison - you girls got way too much energy if you ask me LOL

My daughters just hug me and told me that there happy for me and I'm grateful for that I love my kids want more can I ask for great career the love of my life and a perfect family that's all I ever wanted out of life I know one thing when we get to the church my dad going to cry because he needs to give is babe girl away

Madison - you girls know that soon as we get to the church and my dad sees me in my dress he's going to cry because he doesn't want to give the baby girl the way he always says that guess I can always be a daddy's girl even though he's never always been there like at the house in person and stuff because he's always traveled and everything for his job as a trucker but he's always needed to be there for me when I need them by phone or whenever he was home but it wasn't always easy not having him home 24/7 I mean mom practically raised me on her own but he was always there when I really needed in which county one thing is going to be weird though getting married and I'm not having my mother there

My daughter's yesterday and told me that the grandma was watching over them and me and that she happy for me sometimes I think my kids are wise beyond their years I know one thing's for sure they are right she is looking down and I can't wait for her to see me and I know he's seeing everything that I'm becoming I've gone from being a struggling teenager with a lot of problems to be enough girl but has the love of her life and everything she needs and I'm strong because of it

Dana - we're approaching the church girl so that man of yours better being inside or I'm kicking his butt if he's not LOL

Madison - yeah and that is something that I can actually picture you doing LOL

Well this is that I'm finally getting married to the love of my life


Niall POV

Man I can't believe it that in. A little bit I'm getting married to my babe and that is the one thing that I can't wait for and I'm going to be on top of the world

Zayn: man you are about to get married to my cousin man and I know you will look after you guys have been together since we were in high school and now look at us we're on top of the road is one of the biggest pop bands out there the right now we're still on Hiatus and everything doing their own thing but can you believe it though I have heard of this solo record then when we come back as One Direction again I'm going to be putting out another one I'm definitely getting to show off some serious vibes I'm different from what I would do with you guys was also good to know that you're actually going to be marrying my cousin so like I said she gets to her stuff too and no matter what we're always Brothers

Niall: yeah I most definitely know that I can count on you around today guys I cannot believe it I'm walking down the aisle and I'm going to be marrying the love of my life

Ryan - daddy mummy is going to make you cry when. She walks down the aisle to you And that  a good day because auntie Dana said that she looks absolutely beautiful in her dress

Niall: yep if this keeps up I am definitely going to end up going to cry for a while everything is being said but I know one thing for sure I think it's time for us guys take her place because the girls are on their way

Christopher- yeah we better take her places cuz Daddy we don't want Mommy coming down the aisle you not there LOL you nervous you better not be or I'll kick your bum bum

Niall: okay when you come up and back it up

Christopher- oh I saw people say something like that on TV but they bad ways I was flipping through the channels so I just thought I'd say it in a cleaner way because I try to watch my language

Liam: okay the kids for just watch what he says when it comes to curse words everything is just let's get you down to the altar so everything didn't go as smoothly as planned

I know the guys are right in with that I have to get ready to take my place it's only a matter of time and I am assuming you have a wife yes it's like we're practically married our life anyway because we live together and we've been together since middle school but right now we're about to make it official and I'm looking forward to spending the rest of my life with the love of my life because Madison Miller soon-to-be Madison Horan is the love of my life

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