Chapter Ten

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Claude's POV

"So, for how long are you staying in Paris?” I asked as Gabriel walked Maria and I back home. He said he wanted to see us home safely.

“Eight days. Why?” Gabriel replied. I shrugged.

“I was just wondering,” I said.

“That’s not long enough,” Maria whined.

“It’s alright. Now that I know that you are safe in Paris, I feel a lot less worried. Plus, if you have Claude at your side, I am positive that nothing would go wrong. Am I right or am I right?” Gabriel encouraged Maria. I couldn’t help but smile. I mean, I was against other guys getting closer to Maria, but what could I do about it when they were already so close? And, he seemed to like me, so there was no reason for me to dislike him.

“Do you have a lot of homework for this week?” Gabriel asked Maria. She shook her head.

“No, because the spring dance is next Saturday and they need help setting up for the dance. It’s our class’s turn this year, so we don’t have regular classes,” I explained.

“Really?” Gabriel asked excitedly.

“Oh, and did you know that Maria is now the captain of the girls’ soccer team?” I asked. I knew that I sounded like I was bragging, but I couldn’t help it. It was something that made me a little proud to call her my friend.

“Really?” Gabriel asked again with disbelief. Maria nodded with a smile. By then, we were in front of the gates of my house.

“That’s my house,” Maria said as she pointed to the mansion across the street from ours.

“What?” Gabriel asked. Maria and I exchanged a look. Then, we took some time to tell him the entire story of our past and how we used to know each other. Gabriel looked at us like we were crazy, but Maria promised that she wasn’t lying, so he finally believed us.

“Do you have a place to stay?” I asked.

“Oh yes. I’m staying at one of the hotels downtown,” Gabriel replied.

“Do you have anything planned for tomorrow?” Maria inquired.

“No. Why?” Gabriel answered. Maria looked at me.

“Mom was saying that she wanted to take us on a small trip tomorrow. Would you like to come?” I invited him. He beamed.

“Absolutely!” He replied with apparent excitement. And when I took a deeper look, he looked exactly like Maria when she was excited.

“Great! Meet us here tomorrow morning at seven,” Maria told him. We bid him good night and headed inside. Tomorrow was going to be a memorable day. Gabriel and Maria’s excitement was rubbing off on me.

“Claude! Wake up! We’re going to be late! And then we’ll be stuck in traffic because of you!” Maria was screaming. I rubbed my eyes open.

“Maria? Why are you in my room? Why isn’t Gérard the one waking me up?” I asked.

“Finally! You’re awake! It’s about time!” Charlotte and Georgette said.

“Seriously!” Jacques added.

“Why is everyone here?” I asked.

“You wouldn’t wake up! We’ve been trying for half an hour now!” Maria exclaimed.

“Fine, fine, now I’m awake! Happy? Now all of you get out so that I can change,” I said and shooed them out of my room.

“Gabriel’s been waiting outside for an hour!” Charlotte cried.

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