Adopted by O2L

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My names Cameron, I'm 16 and I live in an orphanage. Nobody wants me atleast that's what I though before 6 guys came into my life. Will they change my life for the better or for the worse?


"Where the frick are you?!" Nikki shouted through the phone.

"Calm down! I'm just riding back I'll be there in a minuet! See ya!" I hung up.

I enjoyed being outside the wind ran threw my brunette hair almost making my beanie fall off.

Looking at my watch I figured out I was gonna be late. Today someone was coming to adopt.

Kicking the ground I gained more speed. I turned the corner bumping into a hard body. The air was knocked out of my lungs and I fell to the hard sidewalk gasping.

"I'm so sorry are you okay?" A rosy cheek boy asked helping me get up.

"I'm fine. But I need to go." I said gathering my long board and riding off again.

"I didn't get your name!" He shouted

"That for me to know and for you to find out!" I yelled back smirking.

Looking back down at my wrist I found out I was 10 minuets late!!

I kicked the ground gaining speed. Going as fast as my board could take me.

The orphanage was visible up ahead. A silver Van was parked up front. Great the people were there to.

Picking up my board I walked inside. 6 guys were sitting on the couch. They looked pretty young but meh a lot of people do these days.

"Hey." I said while waving.

"Mrs. Cameron these are the people here to adopt introduce your self!" Angie the caretaker tells me.

"Okay.. My names Cameron but you can call me Cam. I'm 16 I like to longboard. Skate board. Wearing Snapbacks and beanies are my thing. I have a weird obsession with One direction. And I'm cool with anything fun but I need some alone time too." I said

There jaws dropped. Did I say something bad?

"Hey your that mystery girl! The one who bumped into me earlier!" The rosy cheek kid says

"Yeah and your the cute kid with the rosy cheeks." I said back

"I mean your the kid with the rosy cheeks." I quickly said trying to cover up my mistake.

"Hey but I am cute. Amazing, handsome and the coolest person ever." He said cheekily

"Yeah right." I huffed.

"We want her." The older one said.

"What?" I choked out

"You heard me. Ohh and my names Ricky!" He said shaking my hand

"I'm Connor."

"Sam the coolest person." I just rolled my eyes

"Kian" he waved

"Jc here"

"Trevor!" The kid my age said

I nodded my head. They seemed cool.

"Now go pack!" Connor told me.

For once I was excited. No ones ever wanted to adopt me. I ran all the way upstairs emptying all the drawers into a suit case.

Grabbing a smaller one I packed my Ipad, Mac laptop, beats, snapbacks, beanies, camera and all my chargers.

Every year I had stayed here they brought me presents.

Zipping up my suit case I ran down stairs.

"Cameron?" A soft voice called out to me.

I turned around there stood Nikki. How could I forget about her!

"Hug me brotha!" I yelled and opened my arms.

She jumped into them and hugged me tight.

Sobs escaped her mouth. "Shh it's okay. I'll Skype, FaceTime you, call and text you everyday!" I said hugging her tight

I never cry. Yes I have emotions but I never cry.

"Promise?" She says "promise" I agree

She gives me one last hug and I get into the car with my new family. Only guys huh. Well this is gonna be awkward.


Hey! Update soon! This is my first o2L fan fic!

See you soon my sweeties ~ Kate :)

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