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The fireplace crackled as the humans had begun to sleep.

Despite all seeming calm, there was nothing but fear running through the mind of their         leash-dog. She paced back and forth. She knew it was coming for her. She had felt it waiting for the right time, felt the anxiety as it hung in the back of her mind. Despite it's hiding, she had still known it was coming. There was nothing she could do, however, as it was already far too late. 

She looked up at the moon. "Why did you do this to me?" She asked. The stars glittered coldly, offering no response. She narrowed her eyes, then looked down to glare at her twisted paw.

She had lived with the twisted paw for Inosora knows how long, and if one looked closely, it was slightly splayed as well. 

She sighed. If the Chinokiri wants to take my mind, so be it. She thought as she curled up.

She awoke the next morning, and felt the urge to kill creeping over her, the craving to feel blood dripping from her jaws almost controlling her. The Chinokiri had pounced, had begun to take her mind. She closed her eyes once more, and silently began singing the last words she had heard her mother say.

Time is an endless spiral, and it will not stop for one mere creature.

I accept my fate.

I will be reborn.

I will not be a lowly leash-dog.

I will be air, the wild instincts you feel as you run through the moor.

I will be fire, the spark inside of you, growing to a bright flame, as you protect those you love.

I will be water, the tranquility and peace you feel as the moon shines down on you.

I will be earth, holding you up, and when you fall, I will be there to catch you.

I will not leave you.

We are Chinireta, and that shall never change.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2016 ⏰

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