Kitty Cannons

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Kitty is obsessed with dubstep

Kitty and Oli have the same b-day StopItAllen

Kitty is not good at cheering people up when their sad

Kitty is very observant

Kitty likes to imagine AMV's when listening to music in the car

Kitty's favorite food is meatloaf

Kitty's favorite song is Bad Selection by Sad Puppy

Kitty once laughed herself to sleep before

Kitty likes to brag about her friends

Kitty's favorite anime is (DUHHH) Hetalia

Hetalia wrecked Kitty's life (XD)

Kitty hates the idea of becoming a girly girl or having short hair

Kitty laughs too much

Kitty's two top fears are smoke detectors and bees

Kitty listens to pop music as well

Kitty wishes to be an animator when she grows up

The name "Kitty" came from the username AwesomeKitty4 created for Xbox Live back in 2010.

Kitty loves to use Google+

Kitty's youtube account is complete cringe

Kitty talks to almost everyone

Kitty annoys a lot of people

Kitty is very insensitive

Kitty likes proving people wrong

Kitty is not a natural leader, but a natural deputy

Kitty has loved the Warrior Cats since fourth grade

Kitty is a Xbox fan

Kitty has a burn on her cheek from when she got too close to the cookie sheet when she was four, wanting to "smell the cookies"

Kitty has a big cut on he right knee from when she was five, the corner of a sharp weeding photo cut her.

Kitty gets sugar crazy 

Kitty has ADHD

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