She is evil?!

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I heard the alarm and went up form my bed. Me and Vandy wasn't bffs anymore. Or that was how I saw on it. She was more with Alva but we were still friends. I wasn't alone. I had Ashley. I woke Vandy up and we went to school together. It had been over three months since Alva and Ashley started at the school Meliva. We didn't talk much on the way school. It were more like an... awkward silence. I didn't like to have this relationship with Vandy. I felt she didn't like me anymore but didn't say it because she didn't want to hurt my feelings. But I knew. I sometimes saw her and Alva be mean to other students but I didn't tell the teachers. I didn't want to get her in trouble even tho she were mean and nearly bullying some of them. But she is my sister I told myself when I saw it. I knew I did the wrong thing but I couldn't.

"I'll go to Alva after school" Said Vandy "Okay, I'll go home by myself then" Said I "It isn't that bad going home by yourself" She said "It just me, myself and I... solo ride until I die" I sang "Hahah, no I'm here so..." She thought for a few seconds and then said "It just we, we and we not solo ride until we die" We didn't say anything else.

"And you can pack up your stuff" The teacher said. "Yeah! Finally, I've been waiting for an hour" I said quite low to Ashley "This lesson is one hour" she said quite low too. "I know, that's why I said one hour and not two or three" I said "Quite everyone and then you can go but only when everyone is standing behind your chair and you are quite" Said the teacher. I stopped talking when Mr. Smith my teacher said we were going to be quite. I am one of the more quite and patient students if you compare to the other students. I looked around me in the classroom. I saw that many weren't much patience. They all knew we could leave when everyone were quiet but there were still people who talked. "Quite" Mr. Smith said again. People still talked. Why can't they just be quite? It's Friday they can actually talk outside the classroom I thought.

I went out of room 316 and down to the second floor where my locker were. "You want to do something?" Asked Ashley "Sure, why not. Vandy is going to Alva's place anyway or yours and Alva's place because you are siblings" Said I "The movies?" Asked Ashley "Yeah, why not it'll be fun" Said I and we went down the stairs and out of the big school.

We walked to a forest where there were a lake inside. I really liked the lake and use to swim in it in the summer. It were crystal blue with a little shape of bright green. On the winter when the lake was ice, I use to ice skate on it. The trees make it into a more private area and there is not many people who is here. Usually it's only me. Sometimes Vandy comes too. Before we met Ashley and Alva we used to go there nearly every day. Now when Vandy is with Alva so much I go there by myself. This is the second of third time I've brought Ashley here.

We sat down on a fallen tree. "The lake are so beautiful" Said Ashley while looking at the lake. "It is" I said. We sat there for quite a long time until I heard footsteps. "You hear that?" Whispered I. I whispered because no one nearly is here. From what I've seen there is like five people on one month here. "The footsteps?" Ashley whispered back. "Yeah" I whispered. The sound of someone walking towards us became louder. "Oh, em.. hello girls" A voice of a man said. I turned around and looked at him. Ashley did the same. He looked to be around sixteen years old. "Hello?" I said unsure if I should talk to this guy. "I didn't think anyone would be here" He said "I didn't think anyone would come here" I said still unsure if it were a good idea to talk to him. "Do you use to come here?" He asked. He had blue eyes and brown hair. His shirt were white and he had a blue jacket on. He also had black pants and red shoes. "Yes, I come here nearly every day" I said but as soon as I had said it I regretted it. What is he were after me?! Now he knew I use to come here! "I'm here over the weekend. I know some people here and I'm staying with them" He said like if we knew each other. "What's your name?" Ashley asked. Why does she want to know what his name is? We won't see him again. Or maybe we will. "My name is Donny" He said smiling. "I'm Ashley and this is Vendela" Ashley said. What is she doing?! I wanted to drag her away and talk to her but it would be awkward and just look weird to him. To Donny. "So how old are you?" I'm fourteen Vendela is fourteen too" Ashley said. "I'm fifteen" Donny said. "You seem nice!" She said "Maybe we could hang out together sometime?" Ashley said. Hang out?! With a complete, or not complete but with a boy we've just met? That's too much for me I thought but I didn't say it.

"I think it's time for me to go home" He said after a while talking with us. I were quite happy he were going to leave. "Okay, see you another day!" Ashley said. I didn't want to be rude so I said goodbye to him. He turned around and walked away. Ashley looked at where he just had been standing. When I knew he wouldn't hear us if he now actually left the forest or the part of the forest we were in I looked at Ashley. Not happy with a smile. More serious, confused and a bit angry. "What? I just talked to him" Ashley said and looked at me confused and quite normal as she didn't even care. "What if he is after us! Or he is working with someone that want us something bad! Or someone we know bad!" I said and looked angry at her. "Yeah, of course! He is working for someone that wants to kill us! You are a genius figuring that out!" Ashley said sarcastically. "I didn't mean it like that..." I said and I had a feeling that I was wrong. "I'm sorry, I haven't seen him before and... I don't know.. He seemed suspicious somehow" I said "Don't worry, next time we meet him you'll see you're wrong" Ashley said smiling. She were so often happy and were smiling all the time. I didn't do that. Maybe it was because I were with Vandy. She is quite mean to some people but not to me. Or well, she do some small things that I think is annoying but she isn't mean. To other people in the school she say mean things to them. She do mean things to them.

~Three weeks later~
"Donny messaged me saying he is going to stay here for three weeks" Ashley said. Donny had given her his number and she gave him her's. I didn't give him mine. "That will be fun" I said but I didn't sound too happy. "Vendela, remember what we talked about? He isn't working for you know, a murderer" Ashley said. "Who is working for a murderer?!" I heard Vandy say. Vandy and Alva were in the way to us. "Haha, no one" I said. "But you two did talk about someone working for a murderer" Alva said. "No, we talked about that someone don't work for one" Ashley say. "Our lessons start soon, we better get inside" Ashley said. "Nah, I'm skipping this lesson. It's boring, say I didn't feel good" Vandy said. "But you--" Vandy cut me off "I doesn't feel good, I'm going to skip this lesson" Vandy said cold. "Yeah, I'm not feeling to good either" Alva said. "Just tell the teacher we didn't feel good, it isn't that hard" Vandy said and they left me and Ashley. "They can't just skip lessons whenever they feel for it! This need to stop" Ashley said. "Mm.. You're right but..." I said "Bur what?" Ashley asked. "Nothing.. never mind" I said. "This isn't the first time they've done it. They need to learn it's not right" Ashley said. "Right, you're right. So what are you going to do?" I asked "We are going to tell the teacher the truth" Ashley said. "The truth?" I said "Yes, the truth" Ashley said.

We left the bench and went inside. I didn't want to tell the teacher even tho I knew it were wrong what they are doing. I don't want Vandy to be angry at me. We went inside classroom 314. "Evelyn?" Mr. Ober said. "Here!" A girl named Evelyn said. "Vandy?" He said. He waited a while and then said it again. "Vandy? Are Vandy here?" "No, Vandy and Alva isn't here, they're.. skipping school" Ashley said. Omg! What have she done?! I bet Vandy is going to blame me.

After the lesson Mr. Ober -our teacher. Wanted us to stay. "Why are they skipping school?" He asked. "They just wanted to" I said. "I'll have to call home. Have they been skipping school more times?" "Yes" Ashley said. "Which lessons?" He asked "Two math, one art, four history and two P.E." Ashley said "And one craft" I said.

The school day were over and I were on a he way home. Hoping Vandy wouldn't be angry. I opened the front door and went inside. "Hello" I said like I used to do. I didn't get any answer. Either I'm home alone or Vandy want to surprise me. Not a good surprise. I hoped she wasn't home. I went to the backyard and there she was. "It wasn't my fault" I said before she even had looked at me. "Yeah, why did you tell him then?" She said. I were a bit scared. Even tho she is my sister she is mean to others. She turned around. Her eyes were darker than usual. "Emm.. your eyes.. they're darker" I said trying to talk about something else. "I know" She said "You aren't scared?" I asked "No but you are" She said. How did she know?! "No... I'm not scared!" I said but I were only lying. I was scared. "I will get my revenge one day.. You may be the one everyone love! The one everyone trust! I WILL BE THE ONE EVERYONE LOVE!" She screamed. "Vandy..." I said "I'm not like you! That's why everyone hates me! I will find someone! Someone that understands me!" She said "VANDY! Stop it!" I screamed trying to make her stop. "I'm evil! I can do what I want! I'm old enough to to what I want! I'm going to kill everyone you love!" She said "VANDY! STOP IT! NOW!" I screamed. "Girls! What are you doing?!" Our mom said. "Nothing... you don't need to worry.." Vandy said too confident. "Get inside! Now, I need to talk to you Vandy" She said.

A few minutes went past and then I heard a scream. Not a angry scream. A painful one. I ran inside and Vandy was gone. My mom were dying. "Mom!" I screamed "She.. Vandy.. Is.. Evil.. Be.. Careful.. I love.. you...." She said. "Mom! You will survive" I said and rang 911. When they arrived she were dead. I were all by myself. My dad died years ago, mom died a few minutes ago and Vandy.. I don't want to see her anymore. I hate her.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Dec 07, 2016 ⏰

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